Seduced by the Celebrity

Seduced by the Celebrity by Jemma Jones

Book: Seduced by the Celebrity by Jemma Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jemma Jones
Seduced by the Celebrity
    Jemma Jones
    Copyright © February 2013 by Jemma Jones
    KOBO Edition
    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. The material in this document contains explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only and is inappropriate for readers under 18 years of age.
    Adult Material
    Chloe shrieked with laughter as she ducked under the kitchen table. Ben aimed another carrot stick at her and lobbed it. The carrot stick bounced off one of the table legs and Chloe laughed gleefully from her hiding spot. She quickly grabbed the carrot and threw it at Ben, hitting him directly on the cheek.
    “ Ow!” he protested, laughing, while rubbing his cheek. Chloe’s cell phone began to ring and she jumped up quickly, banging her head on the table.
    “ Shh!!” she said hastily, swatting at Ben to be quiet as she lunged for her phone and picked it up somewhat breathlessly.
    “ Hello?”
    Chloe paused.
    “ Yes, this is she.”
    Another long pause before Chloe clasped her hand over her mouth, her eyes shining.
    “ Yes! Thank you! Thank you very much! Yes, that’s the correct email. Yes! Looking forward to it! Thank you again so much!”
    She put the phone down and turned to Ben. His large brown eyes were eager with anticipation.
    “ Well?” he asked, clearly suspecting who had called.
    “ I got the part!” she screeched, running the short length of the tiny kitchen and catapulting herself into his arms.
    “ Chloe, I’m so proud of you!” he exclaimed, hugging her tightly and kissing her. “You did it!”
    “ I can’t even believe it,” she said dazed, as she took a seat at the table. “After so many auditions, so many workshops and crap shows, I can’t believe I’ve been cast.”
    She looked over at Ben, her bright green eyes filling with tears. “This is it, Ben,” she whispered, “My first Broadway show.”
    “ Baby, I am so proud of you,” he said earnestly, kneeling beside her. “Tell me all the details. I can’t remember what this one was about.”
    Usually Chloe became annoyed if Ben couldn’t remember her auditions, but now that she was actually cast, she didn’t care. She quickly launched into a synopsis.
    “ It’s a new show called Life 101. It’s about this former professor who got kicked out of the university but misses the classroom. He sets up this kind of life workshop and conducts it out of his home. He gets a handful of students to sign up and he basically teaches them about life, and all the things he’s learned over the years. Of course there’s some drama among the students and a few minor love stories. But it’s meant to be funny and profound and kind of sexy at the same time.”
    Her eyes flashed with excitement and she continued. “I only read snippets of the script but I did read the synopsis. I know there are six students and the professor. And I overheard someone at the audition saying that they were trying to get a big name to play the professor because that would help sell the show!”
    “ Let’s celebrate!” Ben declared, jumping up.
    Chloe shrieked with happiness but then sank back down in her chair. “I don’t know Ben. Maybe we shouldn’t. I’m going to probably have to quit my job now.” Chloe was a nanny to a wealthy family on the Upper East Side.
    “ Chlo, it’s okay. We figured that might happen when you got cast in something big. Plus, you’re going to be getting paid for the show, right?”
    Chloe nodded and smiled timidly. “Yes. It won’t be much, but I’ll be paid.”
    Ben grinned again. “You’re in a bonafide Broadway show. I’m sure you will be paid something decent by acting standards.”
    Chloe smiled hopefully. “Maybe they will get Brad Pitt to play the professor,” she said dreamily.
    Ben frowned. “I

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