Scarlet Night (Limited Edition)

Scarlet Night (Limited Edition) by Megan Parker

Book: Scarlet Night (Limited Edition) by Megan Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Parker
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two moved faster than any bullets could.
    Without knowing it, Keith had given him the advantage.
    Though his curse was crippling to his mind, his body’s ability was nearly limitless! As blow-after-blow was landed, Keith’s speed began to waver; his energy rapidly dwindling.
    And the beast was only getting started!
    Overdrive was just another tool to kill, and the curse made killing very simple. Control and reason were another story, however, and as his excitement and cockiness rose, his focus dwindled until…
    Keith’s aura shot out like a freight train that caught Zane square in the chest, throwing him out of overdrive, out of the alley, into the street, and embedding his body into the side of a parked car.
    The car’s alarm blared and pierced Zane’s ears; filling his head with chaos. He struggled to block out the noise, crying out in agony as his senses were flooded. His massive body pitched and writhed in an effort to free itself from twisted metal as his warped tattoos began to glow brighter. Prying himself free, he stumbled forward and worked to steady his footing. The alarm’s racket continued, and with every focus pulled towards the repetitive shrieks and flashing lights he lost sight of the rest of the world.
    Again and again he brought his fists down on the car in an effort to silence it, but his actions only served to alter the pitch and tone and drive his rage further.
    When he was certain that the alarm’s howls would drag him over the edge, a red flash of light emerged and tore the battery from the hood—stopping the racket in an instant—and slammed it into the side of his head.
    Dazed, he turned his attention to Keith as his aura retracted and he advanced casually towards him.
    Zane let out a loud howl as he shot forward.
    He needed to kill!

    “ S erena!” Zoey’s eyes went wide as her body tensed, “We have to get to the city! Right now!”
    “Whoa! What’s the sudden rush?” Serena frowned, eyeing the auric skeptically, “Won’t Zane have a shit-fit if we don’t get back to the clan?”
    “That’s just it! It is Zane! He’s… he’s trapped in a… he’s in a fight! He’s in the city and… oh god! We have to hurry!” Zoey stammered.
    Serena frowned, hearing the desperation and panic in Zoey’s voice and nodded. “Hold on, this isn’t going to be pleasant!” she warned, grabbing the auric by the wrist and rocketing down the street in overdrive. Though the added weight made her movement sloppy and lagging, they were still able to make the journey in only a few seconds. Seeing they were close, Serena shifted back to a normal speed and stared in shock at the chaos as Zoey struggled to come to grips with the sudden change in scenery.
    The sound of alarms and the stench of smoke filled the night, and the air was so saturated in auric energy that Serena could actually hear it hum. She frowned, seeing that Zoey was still dazed from the trip and barely able to stand, and tried to get a lock on Zane’s auric signature.
    Who in the hell was he fighting anyway?
    She stepped to the smoke-filled streets, blinded by the thick haze and forced to follow her other senses.
    “You’re going to have to do better than that!”
    Serena frowned, a violent surge filling her at the familiarity of the voice in the distance and she charged towards it. In an instant the air went clear—the smoke being held back by an immense auric force—and she found herself face-to-chest with a…
    “WHAT IN THE FUCK?” She cried out and tried to back-peddle, stumbling and falling back. The monster’s ears perked and its eyes closed in like Hellish spotlights on her. “Wh-who… what are you?” She cried out as the beast stepped closer and loomed over her and threw a fist the size of a beer keg at her. “Oh go—Zane! Help!”
    The monster’s attack froze only inches from her and she whimpered, blinking against a pocket of air that carried specks of dust and ash into her eyes. Startled, she looked up into

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