Rock Me : Wicked
guitar tonight on stage."
    Alex frowned.
"Not tonight, Cassie."
    She pouted her
lips and was grinding against him. "Remember all the hot nights we had
together, Alex? I miss that. Remember when Anna and I both took care of you?
That was so hot and she's here tonight. I know she'd love a replay as much as I
    Alex took a step
back from her. "It's not gonna happen."
    Cassie looked
angry. "Well let me know when you're ready to have some fun again."
    She stormed off,
probably in search of a new target. Alex looked around for Tommy and the new
beers he was supposed to be getting. He spotted him laughing in a group of
girls, his arm around the chick from backstage. If Alex wanted a new beer, he'd
have to get it himself.
    Instead, he
decided to ditch the bar. All it had gotten him so far was a bad case of blue
balls. He headed to the front of the bar, looking for potential rides back to
the bus, when he ran into Nick and Tyler, with four girls between them, heading
    Alex caught up to
them. "Hey, you guys leaving? Can you give me a ride back to the
    Tyler slapped him
on the back. "Sure. We're heading back to the bus too. We've got a couple
of hours before the bus leaves..."
    Shit. They were
going back to the bus to fool around with the chicks. Just what he needed.
    "Can't you
guys go back to one of their places?" Alex cringed, he almost sounded
    Tyler shook his
head. "They don't live close enough. Since when did you become such an old
lady? You can turn into a monk for all I care, but don't rain on our
    Alex ran his hand
through his hair. "You're right. Sorry man. I'm just going crazy. I'll
catch a ride with you if you don't mind."
    "No problem.
And there's even an extra chick if you change your mind." Tyler grabbed
one of the giggling girls.
Alex put his hands in his pocket. It was going to be another long night.
    As they walked
through the parking lot to the girls' car, Nick hung back to talk to Alex.
"Hey man, you alright?"
    Nick always seemed
to be the smartest one of them. And he seemed to have a glimpse of knowledge as
to what Alex was going through.
    Alex took his time
to reply. "I don't know. Lena coming back into my life is the best thing that's
ever happened to me. So, why do I feel so fucking miserable?"
distance relationships are shit, man."
    Alex nodded his
agreement. "What about you? You've been a fucking downer lately too, in
case you hadn't noticed. But you seem to be doing better lately."
    Nick looked at him
oddly. "Remember when I told you it takes ten good fucks to get a woman
out of your head? Well, I was wrong. It takes a lot more than that."
    Nick caught up to
the group, leaving Alex trailing behind.

Chapter Nine
    I sat at my desk
staring at the photo of Alex and I, looking so silly and happy. It was taken
moments before our time together ended. A whole month had gone by since we last
saw each other, and it was still another month until I visited him in Texas.
The time couldn't go by quickly enough.
    I put my phone
away before my boss caught me. He had a tendency to sneak up behind me when I
was least expecting it. It made surfing the internet or doing any personal
business too stressful. It was definitely an effective strategy to keep his
employees honest. Jackass that he was .
    About to catch up
on some mundane office work, I smiled when Melissa popped into my cubicle. We
worked on a few projects together, so we could pass some time chit-chatting while
looking legitimately busy.
Melissa. How's it going?" She looked as stunning as usual.
    She smiled
brightly, "Guess who I got a text from?"
    With Melissa, you
never knew. "Um, the guy from accounting?"
    Her smile faded.
"What? No!" She brushed aside my lame attempt at a joke.
    Now she had my
attention. "Tommy from Cold Fusion? I didn't know you two kept in
    "Well, not
really. But he said that Alex is in bad shape."
    My heart started
racing. "What do you mean, bad shape?"

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