Rock Me : Wicked
hasn't been with other girls, and the band is all incredulous about this -
they act like its impossible." Melissa rolled her eyes. "Anyway, he's
been miserable without you."
    My initial scare
that something was wrong turned to annoyance. "So, he's miserable that
he's not fucking other girls?"
Melissa looked sympathetic. "I think he's just miserable without you. That
was just Tommy's dumb way of saying it."
    I sighed.
"Yeah, I should be relieved to hear he hasn't been with other women. You
saw what their lives were like - all the partying and hot women throwing
themselves at them night after night. I'm not sure what he even wants with
boring me."
    Melissa shook her
head. "Honey, he doesn't want those other women. He wants to be with you.
But 8 weeks is a long time to make a man wait for you. Especially a man in his
situation. You need to get over there and remind him why he loves you so
    I bit my lip.
"The non-stop touring makes it so complicated. I try to give him a little
distance. Like not calling or texting him every free minute I have. But I feel
like we're drifting apart again."
    "Evie, if you
want your relationship to work with Alex, you're going to have to fight for it.
Tommy told me that they have an overnight stay at a hotel in Ohio next week. He
said that 'Alex's dick is gonna fall off if you don't get over there.'"
    She always made me
laugh. "He really said that?"
    She held up her
cell phone. "I've got the text to prove it. Anyway, I can get all the
details from Tommy and then you can go out to Ohio and surprise Alex."
    I was already
aflutter with anticipation. "Tommy really came up with all this?"
actually really sweet under all that dumb rock-star routine. I'm quite
impressed myself." Melissa laughed as if she suddenly realized it.
    When Melissa got
the information from Tommy, I began to get nervous. Eight days couldn't come
soon enough. Because of an important work meeting, I wouldn't be able to get to
Ohio and see the band perform. I was disappointed, but I would be able to spend
the night with Alex and stay the entire next day.
    I made my travel
arrangements, booking flights and a rental car, and pampered myself. I went to
the salon to get my hair highlighted, got a waxing, a French manicure and I
went shopping to pick out some super naughty lingerie.
    My anticipation
grew to bursting, as the time grew closer. I had trouble not blurting out my
secret to Alex when we managed to talk on the phone. We mostly talked about
seeing each other in Texas and what we wanted to do there. Alex joked that he
was going to buy a video camera before then. My heart would race just imagining
    The day I was to
leave for Ohio, I could barely concentrate on the people who were speaking at
my work meeting. I wasn't even nervous about the 20-minute presentation I had
to give; I just wanted to get it done.
    Melissa stopped me
in the hall after my meeting. "I told Tommy what time you were getting to
the hotel tonight. He said that you should just give the front desk your name
and they would give you a key to Alex's room."
    I nodded and she
continued, "Tommy is going to make sure Alex goes to his hotel room at a
decent time after the show. So, are you ready for all this, girlfriend?"
    I gave Melissa a
hug. "I can't thank you enough for this, Melissa. For setting this up and
for keeping me from screwing everything up with my insecurities. Are you sure
you don't want to come with me?"
    "No way,
honey. This is all you. Just make sure you come back and give me all the juicy
    I waved good-bye
as I headed to my cubicle to pack up for the day. I needed to get to the
airport to catch my flight. I turned on my phone and texted to Alex - Have a
great show tonight. Miss you. I pulled up the picture of us and smiled. Tonight
I would be in his arms again.

Chapter Ten
    Tommy had one eye
on the delectable ass in the tiny black shorts lying in front of him on his
lap, but he

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