Rock Me : Wicked
couldn't help but be distracted by Alex, of all things. He tapped
on the girl's luscious ass, always on the look out for the perfect ass to drum.
    Fooling around one
night with a girl, he had used his drumsticks on her ass as she was recovering
from their recent romp. He was surprised at how turned on she got. She was
moaning in an agony of pleasure as he tapped her ass with the sticks harder and
harder, leaving little angry red marks all across her smooth skin.
    It had led to an
amazing night of mind blowing sex. So naturally he had tried it again with
another girl. And he was just as surprised to see how well it worked. Now he
had become obsessed with finding the perfect ass to drum on.
    But tonight, he
had to get Alex to the hotel room. Alex had started downing alcohol as soon as
the show was over, as he had been doing more and more lately. A few more drinks
and Alex would be a fucking mess. And Lena, or more likely, Melissa would kill
him. The fucking thanks he got for trying to do something nice. He watched
Alex down another drink.
    The girl's ass
wiggled on his lap. He began tapping it again wondering if Melissa's perfect
ass would writhe under his talented drumming. He remembered it perfectly in her
tiny bikini that day on the beach and later on during their hot sex sessions.
Too bad she was so far away. He wasn't about to get all caught up like Alex was. Fuck that shit.
    He glanced over at
Alex. Cassie was rubbing up against him and he was downing another fucking
drink. Jesus.
    Standing up
quickly, he felt the girl he forgot about again, roll off his lap. "Sorry,
    Tommy walked over
to Alex. "Don't you think you should slow down?"
    "What are
you, my fucking counselor, Tommy?" Alex was in rare form.
    Withholding a crude
reply, Tommy said, "Just take it easy, man. Maybe you shouldn't go out
tonight - just head over to the hotel and chill."
    Alex looked disgusted.
"Maybe you should just mind your own fucking business."
    Shit. Why do I
bother with this asshole?
    He walked back to
the couch, sat down and grabbed his smoke from the ashtray. He took a quick
drag wondering what to do about Alex.
    Cassie came over
and sat next to him, looking as pissed as he was feeling. He turned to her. "What's
wrong? Did Alex turn you down again?"
    She gave him a
dirty look. "Fuck you, Tommy. It looked like he turned you down too.
What's wrong with him anyway? He used to be so much fun."
    Tommy looked
around for his beer. "He still has it bad for that girl in New
    Cassie looked even
more annoyed. "I could make him forget all about her."
    Tommy took another
drag of his smoke. "Not tonight you won't. I've got a surprise for him if
he doesn't fuck it all up by getting loaded."
    Tommy's cell phone
buzzed on the table. He glanced at the text message.
    Melissa: Lena will
be there by midnight. Make sure Alex gets to the hotel room right after
    He wasn't sure
Alex was going to do a damn thing he said. He glanced over and spotted Alex
doing a shot with a roadie. Sighing, he got up from the couch to do damage
    An hour later,
Alex was stumbling drunk and Tommy's patience was about worn thin. He had spent
the whole time babysitting Alex, trying to subtly stop him from drinking too
much and steer him towards the idea of going back to the hotel.
    Finally, he
thought he had convinced Alex. Probably because he was too drunk to protest.
Lena might not be too happy about that, but Tommy was beyond caring anymore.
His night had been seriously hampered already.
    Tommy rounded up
the girl with the pretty ass and found Alex. He figured if he had to physically
bring Alex to the hotel, because he wasn't sure Alex wouldn't fuck it up on his
own, at least he could enjoy himself. He still had hours ahead of him and he
could have a lot more fun with a girl in a hotel room than he usually did on
the bus or in some back corner.
    He actually walked
Alex to his room and was only satisfied when he saw him stagger into the room
and collapse on the

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