Rise Once More

Rise Once More by D. Henbane

Book: Rise Once More by D. Henbane Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Henbane
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scrambling to identify the source of a mysterious outbreak. Little is known about it but the CDC is calling it extremely contagious and life threatening if contracted. The CDC is urging people to stay home and avoid unnecessary contact. The FAA has stopped all international flights into the US and doesn’t expect to lift the ban anytime soon.
    Cases have turned up in almost every major city and hospitals are doing their best to cope with the influx of new patients. The CDC now claims that the infection is a virus, and is a mutated strain similar to the 1918 pandemic. Here with us in the studio is Dr. Geiger. A leading specialist in his field is here to answer some of our questions. Dr. Geiger, how scary is this thing?
    “ Well Nancy. It is still very early to say exactly what we have on our hands here, but preliminary testing has revealed it to be highly contagious and very aggressive. Public health officials have warned for many years about the possibility of what happened in 1918 coming back again or at least something similar to it. The world is much more interconnected than almost 100 years ago. The potential for a global catastrophe is very real.”
    Dr. Geiger, what advice would you have for our listeners to help deal with this?
    “I was told not to sound like an alarmist, but due to what I have seen thus far...”
    Are you alright Dr. Geiger?
    “Umm. Yeah I am fine. Can someone please bring me a glass of water? Thank you.”
    Dr. Geiger what do you mean by you were told not to sound like an alarmist?
    “I was coached before coming on the show. You see in the background we try to keep people aware without causing widespread panic. Sometimes the over-reaction is worse than the problem itself. YOU KNOW IT'S STUFF LIKE THIS THAT JUST CHAPS MY BALLS. YOU DAMN PEOPLE WONT LISTEN ANYWAY! YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE...
                  A loud thump echoes across the speakers, and the sound of a woman's voice screaming is heard. Suddenly the station goes silent, followed by the sound of the national warning system. Reese reaches forward, turning the radio off, as he swallows hard. “The world is going to be a very different place from this day forward. It got out Rednek. Haus failed. We failed. Everyone failed.
    “ So what we gonna do boss?” Rednek says.
    “ Pick up some supplies. I think it's going to be a long ride.”
    “There is not time to explain. Theresa, just grab what you can and get in your car. Drive to the BOZ and wait for me there. Under no circumstances are you to stop for anything or anyone. Run them over if you have too.” Reese says urgently as he grabs some pre-packed bags from his closet.
    “ You're scaring me Reese, and who the hell is this?” Theresa says pointing towards Redneks large body grabbing larger bags as instructed by Reese.
    “ Sorry ma'am, but boss says I best be moving this stuff pronto. I'm Rednek ma'am.” Rednek says as he shuffles past Theresa carrying two large black bags. The bags make a familiar metal clanging sound of ammunition magazines rattling around inside.
    Reese crosses a few more items off the list in his hand, pausing for a moment, and then turns to face Theresa. “Do you remember the code?” Reese says calmly but with a tone of urgency.
    “Yes dear.”
    “ Do you remember exactly how we practiced?” Reese asks.
    “ Yes, but I didn't honestly think I would have to..”
    “ This is not practice... This is the real deal. Take this DVD, and play it as you drive. Some of things I say in this video will make you upset. No matter how hard it is to believe, there is nothing but truth contained in this video. I included instructions to the BOZ in the first part, follow them to the letter and fear not mother. I will be with you soon.” Reese says as he kisses Theresa gently on the forehead.
    “ Come with me Reese.”
    “ I can't dear. I have to get someone...” Reese says.
    “ Who! I demand to know who is more important to you than your

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