Rise Once More

Rise Once More by D. Henbane Page A

Book: Rise Once More by D. Henbane Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Henbane
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    “ Alex...” Reese says choking back tears. Theresa clutches the DVD to her breast, tears flowing down her face. She walks forward embracing Reese and then whispers into his ear.
    “ Bring back my baby boy. Safe and sound. Promise me Reese.”
    “ I promise mother. Now go your losing vital time.” Reese says as he kisses her one last time. Theresa turns and runs down the hallway towards the garage, clutching the DVD close to her heart. A nonstop trail of tears left behind on the hardwood floors.
    “ Is that all of it boss?” Rednek says.
    “ There are a few more things, but we can take care of them along the way.”

Chapter Ten
    Flew The Coop
    When I arrived at the hospital, the scene had changed so much I felt as if I was in the wrong town or even the wrong universe. The quiet mountain town with its clean streets and sidewalks filled with curious tourists was all but abandoned. There were no signs of life, no people in the streets, and no cars driving through town.
    A true ghost town, as I walked into the ER entrance I couldn't help but feel I was being watched. There were medical supplies strewn about the hallway with blood soaked gurneys turned about in different directions. Dried droplets of blood painted the floor like a small child’s freckled face. The nurse's station phone rang incessantly, calls ignored; I can only guess that the staff had fled like rats from a sinking ship.
    The feeling to run away gripped me hard, but I knew I had to find out Cox's fate. Even it was to put the poor bastard out of his misery. I walked slowly up the halls, pausing for a moment to pick up a piece of bed rail. The heavy cold steel in my hand gave me a little more courage to advance further.
    It was a risky trip. Even the military installments were vacant. “This is the worst idea you have ever come up with” I uttered out loud as if to announce my presence to anyone still inside. Unsatisfied with the deafening silence I called out again. “Anyone down there?” My queries returned nothing but sickening silence. Maybe it was best to shut my mouth and not invite one of them to come out and play.
    I found Cox's room easily enough, his chart still hanging on the wall as I entered the room. Drawing back the curtains my fears were confirmed. The blood soaked bed stood as a testament of the life or death battle that could only end in a fate far worse than death. I looked around the bed for his body but the floor was void of nothing but dried blood.
    I began to walk out of the room, until I heard something shuffling behind me. I turned quickly just to watch a figure duck behind a door near the bathroom. I raise the bedrail over my head and walks slowly towards the door. My eyes flutter from side to side as I scan my surroundings, and my heart begins to pound inside my chest.
    I press my back against the wall behind where I had seen the movement and knock against the wall a few times. My diversion had worked and a tattered creature wearing only a hospital gown flew through the doorway. I stepped forward directly behind it and slammed the bedrail into the back of its skull. Without any hesitation I continue to bludgeon it repeatedly until it stopped twitching and crimson colored fluid flowed into a puddle on the floor.
    I poke the lifeless corpse a few times, assuring that it was finally safe, and rolled the body over.  I don't recognize the face. My heart was filled with mixed emotions. Had Cox been able in his weakened state to fight off his attacker? He must have, I rationalize, or his body would still be in this room. Maybe the blood on the bed wasn't Cox's after all. No. He is most likely walking with the rest of them a shell of his former human self, devoid of any compassion and filled with an unyielding rage.
    After the adrenaline had calmed down I felt something under my right boot. It had a strange squishiness that gave way as I applied my body weight. Looking down I see an IV tube laying across the floor.

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