Rise of the Darekian's, The

Rise of the Darekian's, The by Andrew Wood

Book: Rise of the Darekian's, The by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
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    Levin rode a few paces behind the prince and the young boy that was apparently his son. He had not yet quite fathomed how it worked , that someone only a few years older than himself had a son of six years old. He assumed it must be a similar arrangement to the one with him and the blacksmith, the one Jak Corley had arranged. After so many years of living a quiet peaceful life in Lanber, it appeared strange how the past few weeks had been such a contrast. His father would never believe it, to see his son riding just a few feet from the prince, and even more unbelievable, the fact his was given the task of royal protector. He still missed his father, and still had the mental picture of that last look he had given him. One thing his father had always taught him was not to dwell on the past, and although it was good to keep memories, try to make them happy ones. As such, Levin had tried to keep recalling the good times he could remember, growing up, the laughs they had shared and these were the memories that helped him cope.
    General Skalton positioned several pairs of his elite guards to ride north of the main party, to give some advance warning should they encounter any of the enemies of which Luken had recently warned them. The group rode until midday before stopping for an hour to rest the horses, as well as cater for the smaller children and babies.
    Whilst he had been riding, he had thought of an idea on how to help deal with the younger members of their group. Each responsible adult would be responsible for one child, just as he cared for Taylor so others could do likewise for others. As the group was stopped, he decided to put his idea forward, and although one or two did not appear overly enthusiastic about fostering a child it appeared to give a few a lift, a purpose to continue, and he was quite proud of himself for thinking of it.

    Chapter 8.
    The sun passed its zenith and the line of horses, carts and wagons twisted and turned like a giant snake slowly making its way westward. By mid afternoon, they were making good time, and the General believed they should reach their destination a little earlier than anticipated if they could maintain their current progress.  Luken had once more discreetly tried to manifest the great power he was supposed to have, and despite several attempts at staring and more fanatical hand waving, much to the amusement of Taylor, nothing of any note had happened. "Keep trying Father, you look funny when you do" the youngster laughed, "try? What, I was not trying anything Taylor, I just have a bit of stiffness in my arm and hand, both of them...oh alright I was, but I think your friend Sandred was not telling us the truth, as you can see I have no great power."
    Finding a suitable location for making camp was not a problem, and they appeared to have reached it just at the right time. The horses needed to rest and the people needed food, and a per fect spot was found near a lake. They then lined the wagons around them to form a line of protection enclosing them within. Luken was originally concerned that they were trapping themselves in, but General Skalton informed him, they were not in any position to make any sort of retreat, and hence was better to make sure the group had some sort of barrier. The lake would give good cover one side and the lines of wagons, though not ideal would provide some sort of defence around the rest.
    The sun was casting long shadows as it sank lower in the sky , when two of the General's riders came rushing back to report. "Your highness" the General shouted after Luken, "my scouts have spotted about fifty or more Darekian troops heading in roughly our direction, about an hour away at most." Luken was not quite sure what the General wanted of him, surely defensive and military decisions should be made by someone who knows what they are doing. Realising the officer was not going anywhere, and still stood awaiting a reply, "err... do what you think

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