Rise of the Darekian's, The

Rise of the Darekian's, The by Andrew Wood Page B

Book: Rise of the Darekian's, The by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
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the two opposing forces. "Archers, fire at will" General Skalton ordered, and at his command the strumming of bow strings sounded, and the white feathered shafts of arrows took to the skies, like a startled flock of birds lifting upwards.
    Levin did not pick any particular target, he could barely see clearly with everything in front of him. Angling his bow upwards, pulling the string back as far as his arms could manage, he released and spared himself a second, to watch the shaft fly skywards. Without knowing the outcome of success of his first shot, he quickly removed a further arrow from his quiver, and fired off another. Luken watched from the back, standing upon some wooden crates for an advantageous view, and before they had dropped to their targets, a second wave was already airborne. Several shafts struck the charging riders, a deadly rain, some dropping to the floor where they had been struck, others carrying on with the arrow shafts protruding from them. The second and third wave proved a little more fruitful as the targets neared becoming easier to hit, the thundering and screaming getting ever closer.
    The first of the riders approach ed the barricade, aiming for a gapped area between the wagons, slamming straight into the four men forming a small shield wall knocking them clean off their feet, allowing a rider behind to break through the gap, only to be felled by a hail of arrows from the archers behind them. Though shaken and bruised the shield wall regained their feet, and re-established their defensive position. Two of the riders attempted to jump their horses over the wagons, with both failing miserably, their mounts crashing and tumbling bringing their riders down. One rose quickly and screamed, as his sword cut down an unfortunate archer caught unawares, nearby to Levin. The attacker's red bloodshot eyes bulged, in his tattooed face, screaming like a feral animal. Before he could raise his own bow, an Elite guardsman quickly cut down the intruder, swiftly slicing into its mid rift. Though normally enough to fell a man; it did however require two further cuts and a final thrust deep through the heart to finish him off.
    General Skalton surveyed the battle, realising his lines were holding reasonably well, though he could see quite clearly several dead bodies lying on the ground on his side of the wagons, little more than dark shapes motionless, lifeless. Noticing the invaders had given up trying to attack the entire length of his defensive line, he realised they were starting to congregate on his left flank. Needing to act fast, if his shield line broke and too many riders surged through the gap, it could mean his non-combatants being put in danger. Estimating he now had accounted for almost half the attacking force, he decided to play his trump card. Shouting an order, one of the wagons was pushed slightly to one side, and the twenty-five men of his make shift cavalry, surged out to sweep around and hit the enemy amassing to his left.
    Hoping the enemy did not decide to make a further attack to his right , he ordered the movement of men to his left, to reinforce the lines being threatened. As his reinforcements ran to their new position, he watched as several riders burst through, hacking down at the un-armoured archers behind the shield wall. His new line of twelve men raised shields and charged as a single wall to the enemy, as other archers fired from point blank range bringing them down off their horses. The sound of the cavalry smashing into the rear of the enemy, using long spears held vertical as one would a lance, came as a relief to those trying to hold back the onslaught of enemy breaking through the gap created. One intruder no longer on horseback, roared like a man insane, and despite having two arrow shafts sticking out of his torso, made a run at the General himself, Levin raised his bow, releasing an arrow which successfully hit the Darekian in the back.
    Even with a third arrow the man roared

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