Reunited...With Child

Reunited...With Child by Katherine Garbera

Book: Reunited...With Child by Katherine Garbera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Garbera
“Before you say anything else, I want my kiss.”
    He walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. She knew she should put up some resistance, but shefelt safe. As if the past wouldn’t hurt them and as if all of her secret dreams were going to come true.
    Becca stopped thinking as Cam’s mouth moved over hers. He was everything she wanted.
    He lifted her onto his desk and raised his head. “That would be a nice kiss if I’d helped you out with something small, but this is a nanny, Becca. I’m giving you the freedom to make your business bigger. I think I need more than just that little kiss.”
    He was in a good mood, she realized. He was teasing her and playing with her in a way that she knew would make it easier for them to actually build a bond together.
    She wanted to argue, but the truth was she also really wanted this. She relaxed and let the material of her skirt slide a little higher on her thighs.
    â€œCome here,” she said.
    He gave her a wicked grin before taking his first step toward her. He put his hands on her knees and slowly caressed his way up her thighs until the skirt was bunched at her waist. She glanced down and felt a shiver of delight go through her at the sight of his big, tanned hands on her slim, white thighs.
    His thumbs stroked both of her legs toward the very center of her, and she felt herself moisten. She shifted on the desk, bringing her hips forward, trying to tease him into touching her where she needed it most. But he kept his touch light and thumbs teasingly close to her feminine mound.
    She reached out and loosened his tie.
    â€œNo, leave it. I want to be dressed while you are almost naked,” he said.
    â€œI’m not almost naked.” She squirmed. It did turn her on to have his hands on her while he was fully dressed.
    â€œYou will be. Unbutton your blouse,” he said.
    She reached for the buttons and undid them slowly. His hands moved in circles on the insides of her thighs, and each time she undid a button his thumb brushed over her hot, moist core. By the time all of the buttons were undone and her shirt hung open on her shoulders, she was hungry for more of him.
    â€œBeautiful,” he said.
    She glanced down at her own body. Her breasts were encased in a pretty, cream-colored lace-and-satin bra. The demi cups revealed the full white globes of her breasts.
    Cam moved one of his hands from her waist and tugged at the right cup of her bra until her nipple popped out. She watched his finger move around her areola as his other hand moved in the same circle on her intimate flesh.
    He slipped one finger under the crotch of her panties and his finger rubbed along her lips. He traced the flesh with his large, blunt finger. And surprised a moan out of her when he pinched her nipple.
    The two sensations were too much. She felt everything in her starting to tighten. Her skin was flushed, her heart beating stronger and she needed his mouth on her.
    She reached for his shoulders and drew him closer to her. He leaned down until his lips brushed over hers. She opened her mouth and felt the hot exhalation of his breath in hers. Then the tip of his tongue touched hers just as the tip of his finger found her opening. He slipped it inside and then back out.
    His other hand kept circling her nipple, and she felt the delicate scrape of his fingernail over her as he rubbed his finger up and down.
    She moaned and shifted her legs farther apart. “I need more.”
    He shook his head, his lips rubbing over hers. “This is all you get right now. I want to keep you right here on the edge of desire.”
    â€œWhy?” she asked, shifting around, trying to make his finger on her intimate flesh touch her harder. She was so close to coming. It would take the barest brush of his fingertip to send her over the edge.
    He moved his mouth along her cheek until he reached her ear. “Because I’ve been like

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