Reunited...With Child

Reunited...With Child by Katherine Garbera Page B

Book: Reunited...With Child by Katherine Garbera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Garbera
her opening and teased her by slipping just the tip of his erection in and out of her body.
    She moaned his name, and he pulled back, looking down at her feminine secrets, which were exposed to him. He traced his finger over the smoothly shaven area.
    She reached for his hips and tugged him forward. He entered her slowly at first and then plunged all the way to the hilt. She felt so good, and he told her so, whispering dark sex words in her ear as he pulled slowly out of her body.
    Her skin was smooth and smelled of peaches. He just couldn’t get enough. He kissed her neck, then licked the skin at the base of her neck.
    He was addicted to the taste of her. The feel of her. She went to his head and consumed him. All he could think of was staying inside her body forever. He had it right a couple years ago when he’d taken her to his bed and kept her there for a matter of weeks.
    He felt her tighten around him, and he wanted toget deeper inside. Needed to take her as deeply as he could. He put his arms under her thighs and lifted her legs high, resting her heels on his shoulders.
    She leaned back on his desk. Her pert breasts with their berry-hard nipples were tantalizing. He reached down and palmed her as he thrust even deeper into her body.
    And it still wasn’t enough.
    He felt everything in his body driving toward climax. Tingles started to move down his spine as she reached up for his shoulders and pulled him closer to her.
    She lifted her neck and shoulders and found his mouth with hers. She sucked hard on his tongue, and he responded by thrusting into her harder until her hips were lifting toward him.
    She held him tightly to her, and she cried out his name as she came. He tried to hold on, not wanting to come so quickly, but everything inside of him clenched and he spilled himself at that instant.
    He kept thrusting into her and felt her tighten around him again as she continued to come. Then he stopped and fell into her arms. She held him close. For the first time since she’d come back into his life, he felt a moment’s peace.
    This—she was what had been missing in his life up to this point. And having her again made him acknowledge that it had been a mistake to ever let her go. Becca was his.
    â€œYou’re mine now,” he said.
    â€œAm I?” she asked.
    He leaned over her on the desk, keeping their bodies connected. He kissed her softly and tenderly, letting the emotion of this moment overwhelm him. She was more than just sex to him, and he had no words to tell her but hoped that one small kiss would convey what he was feeling.
    She wrapped her arms around him and toyed with the hair at the back of his neck. He could rest in her arms for a lifetime.
    A lifetime.
    She went to his head faster than anything else ever had. He’d always been disciplined, so alcohol and women had never been a distraction for him.
    But Becca was.
    Looking down at her at this moment, he realized he didn’t want to spend another day without her by his side. He wanted to give her things she couldn’t give herself.
    There was something very rewarding in doing that, and he wasn’t about to let her slip away. Or was he? It wasn’t just Becca whom he was getting involved with. There was his son to think about.
    The son she’d hidden from him.
    He glanced down at her. She had her eyes closed sleepily. He knew she wanted to stay in his arms—and he wanted her there. But too much. At some point she’d become too important to him, and that was dangerous. He needed distance.
    He pulled back. He wasn’t ready for this type of feeling or commitment.
    He pulled out of her body and handed her some tissues from the box on the corner of his desk. Hecouldn’t think of anything to say as he turned and walked to his private washroom.
    Then he looked at himself in the mirror and knew that no matter how much he wanted to pretend that nothing had changed between him and

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