Return To Pandora: Book 1 in The Pandora Series

Return To Pandora: Book 1 in The Pandora Series by Kayla Smith

Book: Return To Pandora: Book 1 in The Pandora Series by Kayla Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kayla Smith
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the kitchen, “and will someone please take care of that dead guy for me, because I really don’t want to sleep with him in my room.”
    That earned me a chuckle from Zack as he came up behind me and wrapped me in his arms. This little show of affection was all I needed to wipe away all of my worries. With him I can handle anything.
    I poured myself a nice large glass of hot chocolate and sat next to the fireplace. I needed to get this cold out of my body. It felt like it was seeping into my bones. I chugged the hot chocolate and rubbed my hands up and down my arms to try and warm myself up. I had tears streaming down my cheeks, I hadn’t noticed until Zack wiped them away.
    “I thought I had finally had my dad back,” I said sobbing into Zack’s arms. “He was right there and then he was gone. I mean he spoke to me in my dream and told me that my mother and I are his reasons for living, that we are what keep him going. How is it possible to feel this much anguish over not even knowing the man?” I asked as I wiped off my eyes.
    “You will be reunited with him and if he visited you in your dream, then he is fighting the spell more than he is letting on. That is a good thing, it means we can save him when we finally find him,” he said making me feel a little better.
    “Your right,” I said not sounding very convincing. “But I just need some time to get over whatever this mood is that I’m in.”
    “I understand,” he said and got up and pulled me up with him. “Let’s go for a walk,” he pulled me outside with him without even waiting for a reply.
    We walked around the block a few times before he brought me back home. I didn’t want him to go, but I also didn’t want him to stay. Although he comforts me, I just needed some time alone to think about everything that happened today. Time to cry and time to write it all down in my journal, to get it all out of my head. Tomorrow will be better.

    Today is the start of week four of our training. Some of the kids in our group are starting to show signs of their powers and when I say some I mean Josh and Leah. They are able to slightly lift things into the air but not to high off of the ground. Olivia has been trying to get them to push out so that the things they are lifting will be pushed away from them, but they haven’t gotten that yet.
    I also saw Shanieza briefly lift her bag into the air and it fell just as quickly. If I wasn’t there I wouldn’t have known it happened. Now I’m trying to coach her and Elizabeth on how to lift and push. It isn’t going so great since Liz has barely shown any signs of her powers coming in.
    We were on the field, all close enough to touch one another, when we felt it. That change in the air that signaled someone was close, not just anyone, someone with powers. This feeling was putting me on edge. I knew everyone around with active powers felt it, since I saw their facial features change from carefree to on alert for danger. I quickly glanced around my shoulder and put myself in front of everyone else. That didn’t go over so well for the adults with powers, since they took stance in front of me, to protect all the kids.
    I thought about standing up to them, but then thought better of it. I need to keep my extra abilities a secret for as long as possible and this would not keep them hidden. Then out of nowhere a woman appeared. She was strikingly beautiful with her auburn hair cropped right below her shoulders and ice blue eyes that shinned bright compared to anyone else’s I have seen before. She wore dark red lipstick and her black dress flowed elegantly around her and formed perfectly around her curves. The adults all stiffened when they saw her and I had to believe that she was someone to be reckoned with.
    “Well I never expected to see you here.” The woman spoke to someone who was protecting us, I just couldn’t tell who. “What is the price for treason?” She asked as she circled us.
    I had to

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