Return To Pandora: Book 1 in The Pandora Series

Return To Pandora: Book 1 in The Pandora Series by Kayla Smith Page B

Book: Return To Pandora: Book 1 in The Pandora Series by Kayla Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kayla Smith
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eyes stand out on her face.
    The only ones who seemed to know anything where she and Jenny, the rest of the adults looked oblivious to what they were talking about.
    “What do you mean? You all just witnessed the same thing. She was trying to spy on us. What aren’t you telling me?” I demanded.
    “Calm down. We just did a little spell that creates an illusion. We made it be the illusion of Christina to see how you would handle yourself around her. Now you know what she looks like and sounds like. You also have an idea of the strength of her powers. You need to work harder to be able to pull that brush away quicker and harder than she can. When you can get whatever object she holds away from her in one shot you will be ready,” Jenny said as she circled the group.
    Jenny was Destiny’s sister, but they couldn’t look any more unrelated. Their hair, although Destiny died hers, were different colors. Jenny had ash brown hair and her eyes were spring green. They were the same height and had the same colored skin and same high cheek bones, but other than that they looked like they could be friends not sisters.
    Olivia seemed to be on board with it when she responded sounding very enthusiastic. “I think this is such a great idea. I wish I would have thought about it. But, yes I agree. The illusion will hold almost all of her strength since we carbon copied it, to use for this exact thing, back in Pandora. She will be a little more powerful when you actually go face to face with her, since your strength always grows when you do, so her power will be stronger, but not much more than this. I think you and Zack should try fighting the illusion daily,” she said directing her gaze to Zack and back to me.
    John nodded his head in agreement and there you had it, were now going to be fighting the carbon copy of the evil Queen on a daily basis.
    “Will there be a different scenario every day? Because I really can’t do the same thing every day I’ll out smart it and you all know it,” I said looking pointedly at my aunt.
    “Yes we all know that and yes, there will be a different one daily,” she said with a smile on her face.
    I thought for a moment and realized that I couldn’t possibly strengthen my powers with the whole group here, for the simple fact that I can’t trust the whole group.
    “Ok, so twice a week we will do this, I can’t afford to miss out on the training with the others. If you want to do it every day we can do it at my house, but I really want to be a part of the whole groups training. Also I want to be separate from the others when we do the twice a week training because I don’t like everyone staring at me while I’m being ‘confronted,” I said using my fingers to create quotation marks on the word confronted.
    This was the only excuse I could think of to not do this exercise in front of everyone and Olivia knew the truth, so I didn’t need to lie to her, just the others.
    She nodded her head at me in understanding and then addressed the group. “I will train Jackie with the illusion at her house daily after our training is done, so she can be here to help you all. When she is sure she has it and is strong enough I will do a surprise one on her here in front of you all. Until then we will continue as usual.”
    With that she walked away to talk to the other adults and I sat alone eating and drinking. I should have expected it by now, but I was still surprised when Zack came and joined me.
    “It was smart of you to use that excuse, especially since Olivia knows you a lot better than I would have thought. You two seem very comfortable around each other, I thought you said you couldn’t trust her?” He asked.
    It sounded like a cross of jealousy and protectiveness at the same time and I had to keep my temper in check so I wouldn’t blow up on him.
    Calmly I explained to him everything she was doing for me. Going back to the day she helped me with my fire when I almost burnt down the

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