Return To Pandora: Book 1 in The Pandora Series

Return To Pandora: Book 1 in The Pandora Series by Kayla Smith Page A

Book: Return To Pandora: Book 1 in The Pandora Series by Kayla Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kayla Smith
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force myself not to use my powers as she got closer to me.
    “You do realize you are in the presence of your Queen? Why haven’t any of you bowed down before me?” 
    “With all due respect my Queen, we are no longer your subjects, since we do not live in your realm,” John spoke up after what seemed like forever. “So therefore we do not need to bow before you, since you are no longer our Queen.”
    That earned him a swift kick in the face by one of her minions I hadn’t even noticed before. That kick sent him flying and I used my mind powers to help ease him to ground, without much notice. The only ones who noticed were Olivia and Zack.
    “As I was saying, I am your Queen, no matter which realm you live in. When the Queen comes to pay you a visit you respect her and by respecting her you are to bow!” She hissed out barely containing her anger.
    “No!” I said and received an elbow in the ribs from Olivia. I eyed her skeptically before I continued, “I will not bow to you, no matter who you think you are. I am not some peasant from Pandora you can scare into respecting you. I am…” Think, you can’t blow your cover dumb ass, what the heck were you thinking? “A sixteen year old girl who is just enjoying a day with friends, who are not a part of that world you come from. We were raised here and we don’t have Queens to dictate us and make us run in fear,” I said and chastised myself for even trying to stand up to her.
    She was menacing looking and the snarl on her lips told me I didn’t fool her. She knew exactly who I was and that was where things turned bad.
    She stepped right up to me and grabbed me with one hand, fingers on my right cheek and thumb on my left cheek. She gripped tightly and lifted me up high enough that my feet dangled.
    Then she said very low and menacing in my ear, “I know exactly who you are Jacquelyn and that is exactly why I am here. You see I never received word back from my shape shifter that things were or were not ok over here, so I knew you and your mother had something to do with that. I just didn’t expect to see such a big welcoming committee upon my arrival to find you.”
    Then she flung me and if it hadn’t been for John I would have crashed into a tree and knocked out from the blow. He caught me and had me land gently on the ground.
    I was thankful for his help because I was on the verge of using my powers, but I couldn’t have her see what I could do just in case she got away.
    “How the heck did you find us here anyway?” I asked her.
    “Simple. After I realized you guys were still alive all I did was a tracking spell using something of your mothers. Then when I got here I was able to get something of yours,” she said holding out my hair brush, which I lost about a month ago. “That is when it got easier to track you, because now I will know where you are whenever I want to just by saying this little spell. Don’t you even think about trying to alter it, because there is no way you can.” She said.
    Then I did the stupidest thing I could have done. I used my powers and swiped the brush away from her. It was half way to me when she realized what I had done and she pulled back on it with her powers. She pulled harder than I have even been equipped to handle but I wasn’t going to go down without a fight I used all of my power that I could without using the elements and called the brush towards me again. This time I made it come faster to me so she wouldn’t be able to get it away from me. After I got the brush she vanished, as if she was never really here to begin with.
    “Very good job, Jackie,” Destiny said stepping away from the rest of the group.
    She was a bigger lady, about one hundred and seventy pounds and had bleach blonde hair with pink, blue, purple and orange highlights dispersed evenly around her head. She was taller than me, about Zack’s height. Her eyes were a light ivy color and she had lightly tanned skin that made her ivy colored

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