Rescue Me
well make use of the rest of the water." Which was now decidedly cool. It felt good on her burning skin. Sam reached for the liquid soap in a container on the wall, and started washing her, starting with her hair.
    Elizabethleaned her head against the tiled wall, eyes closed as he used his large hand to wash her face and throat, then trailed his fingers over her soapy breasts until she muttered, "No fair," and slid her legs from around his hips so she could stand. Her legs felt even morenoodlely than before.
    She pushed the button on the container and got a handful of scentless soap in her palm. "You are a dirty, dirty, boy."
    Her hands slicked down his sides, then honed in on his erection. Cupping his length, she smiled as her soapy fingers tightened around him. "All man, all the time," she agreed. "This is going to take me some time, lean back and close your eyes. I'll let you know when I'm done."
    Sam's chuckled turned into a groan asElizabeth skimmed her lips from his chest down to his rock hard belly as her slick fingers went to work. "Just so you know," she said, when her mouth reached the nest of crisp dark hair at his groin. "This is uncharted territory for me, let me know if I don't do it right."
    In answer Sam tangled his fingers in her wet hair. "You're doing it—Jesus, Beth!" he said as she tentatively took him into her mouth and used her tongue to make his entire body jerk satisfactorily. "Perfec-tly."
    Just before he came, Sam pulled her up, and kissed her.
    "Didn't you want to—"
    "Plenty of time," he assured her, grabbing another handful of soap. He skimmed his large hand down over her belly, then slid his fingers deep inside her, bringing her to a surprise, and immediate, climax before she knew it.
    "Holy Mother of God. We're going to kill each other." She gasped as he withdrew his fingers and let her body sag against his as she fought to regain her breath and her equilibrium. "Give me a sec to get my breath, and then let's get out of here. I want to make love with you in that bed I didn't see in there."
    They took turns washing each other, then made love again slowly, the cold water pounding on Sam's back spraying her and making her shiver deliciously.
    After the longest shower in history, where the water ran cold as they ran hot, he carried her to the bed where Sam turned the tables on her as he spread her thighs and feasted on her until she cried out mindlessly and begged for mercy. Thankfully he knew when to not take no for an answer, and drove her over the edge of an unknown precipice until her body was so attuned to his that she couldn't imagine being anywhere than right here, with his mouth between her legs, and the hum of the plane's engines throbbing through her body like an extra pulse.
    Exhausted as they were, they made love again slowly. Then again, more quickly. Finally, too tired to move, they slept, curved around each other as the plane chased the sun.
    The plane landed at an airfieldElizabeth didn't recognize, although she knew where they were. Just outsideBrandon . Her stomach was doing flip-flops. This was it.Elizabeth undid her seatbelt as the small plane taxied down the runway and into an enormous hangar. "Now what?" She was talking about more
    than just the next few moments.
    The door to the hangar closed behind the plane, and they were plunged into semidarkness just before the lights in the cabin came to life.
    Sam's expression was unreadable. Back inMontana for five seconds and he was already the same old inscrutable SamPelton . "I'm going home," he told her, shouldering his packs and starting off down the aisle.
    "Oh." Her stomach hurt, but she didn't complain as she rose to follow him. She'd expected it really.
    Hoped that they might have a future together, but known that was highly unlikely. Known all along that she'd only had him temporarily. The knowledge didn't lessen the ache of loss in her chest. It didn't make the prickle in her eyes go away. She swallowed

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