Rescue Me
    "You know, I could help you sneak away," she whispered playfully. "AdmiralHolloran is, after all, my godfather. I'll make your excuses. You aren't looking well, you know." She was laughing at him. Playfully.
    In amusement. But she was getting a kick out of the fact that he didn't dare piss the admiral off at this point. He'd already been busted down in rank for onemisdemeanor ; he didn't need to get brought down again because Emerson was in the mood to play.
    "Don't do me anyfavors , imp," he growled.
    She pouted back at him playfully. "ButMacey , doing you afavor would just make my day complete.
    Didn't you know that?"
    He snorted. Likely story. If he didn't get the hell away from her the admiral would barbeque his ass.
    "Do me afavor then and find someone else to harass, kid," he told her. "I'm in enough trouble."
    He caught the narrowing of her eyes as he made his escape, quickly. Before he lost control and let his gaze drop to those incredible breasts.
    Okay, so he was a tit man. He couldn't help it, and she had the most incredible set he'd ever seen.
    He drew in a quick, fortifying breath as he made his way through the ballroom, the foyer, then quickly entered the silent, empty study that the admiral made available to his men during these jackass parties his sister insisted on throwing in his name.Holloran should get married or something, to a nice shy little wife who didn't like parties instead of letting his sister run his social life.
    He stalked across the room to the bar, pulled a glass from the shelf, and splashed in a healthy dose of whisky as he heard the door snick open behind him. And he knew. Hell, he knew who was back there.
    He tossed back the whisky. "Go back outside and play, little girl." He grimaced as he caught sight of her in the mirror over the bar. "You're biting off more than you can chew this time."
    He'd known her for years. Known her and avoided her and lived in dread and in anticipation of the chance to touch her.
    "I had a message for you." Her voice wasn't teasing this time, it was a chilly snap. A proper, aristocratic, holier than thou, kiss my ass, whiplash of sound.
    It made his dick hard. Made his balls draw tight in hunger and his fingers curl with the need to touch.
    "So what's the message?" He rubbed his hand over his face before glancing at the mirror again.
    She was leaning against the door, her eyes were glittering with anger, and those lush lips were tight with irritation.
    She opened the little evening bag she carried and drew a slip of paper free, extending it to him as she crossed the room, then slapping it into his open palm.
    Then, he made the biggest mistake of his life. He didn't just take the paper and tuck it in the pocket of his slacks. And he sure wasn't dumb enough to read it. Oh hell, no. With his free hand, he gripped her wrist and jerked her to him, shoving the note in his pocket with the other and then, curling his hand around her waist and jerking her tighter against his body.
    Hell. Fuck. Son of a bitch.
    Those firm mounds pressed against his lower chest, her head tipped back, shock and lust brightening her eyes as his head lowered.
    He was crazy. He was destroying his career, right here, with a single kiss.
    His lips took hers. Like a man starving for passion, a man suddenly, forcefully aware of the hunger tearing into his gut.
    And he was hungry.
    Her lips parted on a gasp and he was there, his tongue stroking past them, daring her to do her worst
    with those sharp little teeth. Wishing she would, because then, maybe, he could find the strength to release her.
    But did she bite him? Did she rack her knee into his tortured balls as she should have? Hell no, she had lost her mind too. Slender arms were suddenly wrapped around his neck, fingersplowing into his hair and her lips parting, taking him, her tongue tangling with his as a rough cry whispered against his lips.
    She tasted like honey and spice and she went straight to his head. Kissing her

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