Renegade T.M.

Renegade T.M. by Bernard Langley

Book: Renegade T.M. by Bernard Langley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bernard Langley
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there ? ”
    “ Now hang on !” s tarted Crinkle.
    “ Yeah , you just watch it earthman ,” warned Slip, adjusting his beret as he spoke.
    “ I think monsieur Martin is tired, and is unaware of what he is saying ,” put in Pierre in his defence.
    Pete was not unaware of what he was saying, far from it in fact; however, at this present time, this motley crew was all he had, so he decided that rather than berate his companions further, he would accentuate the positive and try and provide some focus to the group.
    “ You’re right, I am tired ,” he lied conveniently , “ okay, let’s take a look at what we’ve got here , and then see if we can’t use it to our advantage, everyone agreed ?”
    “ Agreed ,” agreed everyone.
    Some minutes later, once everyone had emptied their pockets, (Slip took the time to do some quite alarming star-jumps), they had amassed a small pile of both bizarre and revealing trinkets.
    “ Right ,” he began , “ so we have bread and cheese, thank-you Pierre , however I think that particular devastating combo has probably exceeded its usefulness by now .”
    Pierre shrugged and lit a cigarette.
    “ Crinkle, you provided a hair brush, compact mirror, lipsticks and gloss, array of different eye-liners and blushers, hair dryer, hair tongs, a second hair dryer and three more sets of tongs, a factor 4000 suntan lotion, the pocket guide to “ What men want – the diminutive perspective ” , some chewing gum that’s meant to make your eyes shine whiter, oh and three more sets of hair tongs .”
    “ Yeah , well a girl’s got to look her best you know ,” she replied nonchalantly.
    “ My dear, you are the very essence of beauty, if God had meant.. .” st arted Pierre .
    “ Pierre ,” int er r upted Pete , “ another time perhaps ? ”
    Pierre shrugged and lit a cigarette.
    “ Slip, anything to put in ?” a sked Pete.
    “ Well apart from my beret, which I must say I am becoming particularly fond of, I can only offer my services .”
    “ Services huh, well that’s just great, we can go up against the Co-leen with a packed lunch, your services, oh and remarkably well groomed hair, t er r ific! Hang on what’s that ?” he asked suddenly, pointing at the ground from which Fendel had just vanished.
    “ Oh that’s his time travelling device ,” put in Crinkle , “ bought it off some Gorritz .”
    “ Time travelling device, as in travelling through time ?” he asked, somewhat amazed at the casualness of it all.
    “ Yep .”
    “ Backwards through time, forwards through time, that sort of thing ?”
    “ Yep .”
    “ So we can go anywhere we want to in time, the past, the future, anywhere ?”
    “ Yep .”
    “ And this is all quite unremarkable to you all ?”
    “ Yep .”
    “ But this is amazing ,” exclaimed Pete, his mind racing , “ this is exactly what we need !”
    “ Now , now mon ami, time travel is not exactly a strictly legal affair ,” put in Pierre , “ you could be done for ATH .”
    “ ATH ?” he asked .
    “ Actual temporal harm .” e xplained Pierre .
    “ But we’d only need to change a few things ,” he argued , “ all we’d need to do , is go back to a point before when the Co-leen had decided to take it upon themselves to go around the universe destroy ing everything, and then stop them , simple. ”
    “ Stop them ,” said Crinkle with a raised eyebrow , “and how, pray t ell, would we stop them exactly ?”
    “ I dunno, we could make them see reason. Appeal to their better nature if you like .”
    “ Better nature, ha ! ” laughed Slip , “ this is the Co-leen we’re talking about .”
    “ Well I’m sure they weren’t always bad, they’ve probably had a difficult upbringing that’s all, you know, as a species that is .”
    “ Those creeps have never had a bad thing happen to them in their entire history! They’re just evil, downright bad eggs, not the sort you could enjoy some toast and a nice

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