Renegade T.M.

Renegade T.M. by Bernard Langley Page A

Book: Renegade T.M. by Bernard Langley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bernard Langley
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cuppa with, if you get my drift? !” stressed Slip, who was beginning to feel hungry.
    “ Yeah , what is it Mormid says ? ” started Crinkle , “it’ s the Co-leen’s God-given right to exercise execution t o those who don’t measure up, a nd by that what he really means is , if you’re not Co-leen then prepare to die .”
    “ Mormid ?” questioned Pete , “ who’s Mormid ?”
    “ He’s their ruler ,” explained Slip , “ you know , as in the Ruler of the Rulers of everything and anything they may have missed in the course of ruling everything .”
    “ Oh right, then he’s our man !” e xclaimed Pete , “ all we need to do is convince him , and then everything else will fall into place .”
    “ He’s more computer now than Co-leen , he’s been alive so many millennia it’s a wonder that he isn’t part of some creepy techno— museum ! ” said Crinkle.
    “ Computer? !” said Pete aghast , “ what happened, some kind of t e r r ible accident ?”
    “ The computers keep him alive now, f eeding him chunks of raw data ,” she went on, “s ome say that he has so many cybernetic parts , that his soul is now digital, and that he keeps a backup copy of himself on the Co-leen computer master-frame, and then simply downloads himself again, when one consciousness fails. ”
    “ Oh, that’s lovely ,” commented Pete, thinking about his little laptop at home and worrying that it may in fact possess unsavoury designs on his physicality.
    “ Okay sure ,” he continued , “ but there was a time when this Mo rmid was not a computer, right?”
    “ S’pose .”
    “ And we have a time machine yes ?”
    “ Yep .”
    “ So all we need to do is travel back in time to Mormid’s pre-computer days, take him for a pint, and win him round to our view of the universe and our “ live and let live ” way of seeing things !” he finished, feeling rather chuffed with himself.
    “ Oh is that all?! ” she replied sarcastically.
    “ And what about ATH ?” a sked Pierre , blowing a smoke ring.
    “ That’s where I come in !” put in Slip, who up until then had been uncharacteristically quiet.
    “ Oh ,” said Pierre , “ and what do you propose ?”
    “ Well, those chinless wonders are tracking all the time currents yeah ?”
    “ Oui mon ami, so as soon as you attempted to travel in time, they’d pick up on it immediately and then come down on you hard .”
    “ Sure thing Frenchy, but let’s suppose they did pick up on it, but were too distracted to do anything about it .”
    “ What are you talking about Slip ?” a sked Crinkle.
    “ Just this Crinks, we go on the thoughtwaves, boost the power, and make it impossible to think about any thing else other than Renegade T M .”
    “ Okay, but where are you gonna get all this power exactly ?”
    S lip smiled and pointed to the fourteen suns in orbit above them.
    “ Magnifique !” declared Pierre , giving him a hearty pat on the back.
    “ Yeah great, loads of suns, big deal , ” said Pete, far more concerned as he was , with how red his shoulders had gone .
    “ No you ape ,” began Crinkle , “ what Slip’s getting at is , we’ll harness the gravitational pull of all those suns, translate that power through the Humdinger’s energy converte r, crank up the transcranial modulation unit, and let rip upon every mind in the universe !”
    “ Yeah I know ,” lied Pete in a small voice, only just above a whisper.
    “ So everybody, the plan’s the man ,” said Slip , “ what about you Frenchy, we could use someone who knows his way around a fine cheese ?”
    “ Thank-you my friend, but my fight is here, I have a resistance to lead ! ”
    T hat said, Pierre pulled an emergency beret from his pocket , and placing it at a devilishly agreeable angle on his head, lit a cigarette and left.
    “ Oh my friends ,” he said turning , “ I am sure we shall meet again someday. Au revoir et bon chance !”
    “ What a lovely man ,” commented

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