Rebel Temptress (Historical Romance)
to touch me." She was mesmerized by the look in his eyes and found she could not look away.
    "Your eyes say otherwise," he whispered.
    "Please release me. I do not wish to continue this conversation. I only wish permission to visit my mother- and father-in-law."
    He released her. "Do you think me a complete fool, Mrs. Daniels?"
    She raised her chin proudly. "As a matter of fact, I do, major."
    The amusement was back in his eyes. "Let me set you straight on a few points, Mrs. Daniels. I know you are playing a game. I also know why. You overheard my conversation this morning with Lieutenant Holmes. You see, I am not quite the fool you think me to be."
    Anger sparked to life inside Honor. "How did you know?" she asked.
    He smiled and walked to the desk and seated himself on the smooth surface. "You wear a very distinct and pleasant perfume, Mrs. Daniels. When I walked Lieutenant Holmes to the front door, the evidence of your presence still lingered in the hallway."
    "Does this mean you will not allow me to visit Green Rivers?"
    Honor waited for his answer, although she already knew what it would be. She felt very much as she had when she was a small child knowing she had misbehaved and awaiting her punishment.
    Adam looked long and hard at her. He noted the frightened expression on her face. He saw her raise her chin proudly, awaiting his decision. Rising to his feet, he walked the length of the room, prolonging her agony. Stopping in front of her, he saw her cringe.
    Honor tried to look directly into his eyes. Her aunt had once told her that eye contact was very important, whether confronting friend or foe. But she found she could not meet his eyes. She lowered her head and stared instead at his black shiny boots.
    "You are sixteen and about to become a mother. Where is your husband?"
    His question surprised her. She jerked her head up and looked at him defiantly. "I would not tell you, major, even if I knew. To repeat what you said to me a moment ago, do you think me a complete fool?"
    "I am not asking for his exact whereabouts. I am merely trying to unravel my confusion where you are concerned."
    "I am not your concern," she said haughtily.
    "You have become very much my concern, Mrs. Daniels. You have, in your lovely head, information the Confederacy would give much to obtain. And do not tell me you would not do all within your power to see that the information reached the rebels."
    "I would do no more than any true patriot would do in my place."
    "Men have been shot for far less, I can assure you. Give me your word that you will not pass on the information you overheard today, and I will be lenient with you.
    Honor looked directly into his eyes. "You may as well shoot me and have done with it, major, for I promise you, should I get the chance to relay what I overheard today, I shall do so."
    "Then I must see to it that you do not get that chance. Consider yourself under house arrest until further notice. You will not be allowed to leave the house without an escort. Do I make myself clear?"
    "Oh, yes, major, you make yourself perfectly clear. I am a prisoner in my own home. Am I not to be allowed visitors?" she said bitingly.
    "As it happens, a Mr. and Mrs. Daniels came to call on you this very morning, and as on two other occasions, they were turned away at the gates. Funny, my men did not seem to think them old or ailing."
    Tears stung Honor's eyes. "You are hateful, major. I know it is not the proper thing for a lady to say, but I do not like you in the least."
    "I hope that is only your anger speaking. It would grieve me unbearably if you did not hold me in high regard," he said mockingly.
    "I wish the war was over and you and your kind would leave us in peace," Honor told him angrily.
    He smiled. "The South is like an errant child gone astray. The Union is the sorrowful father chastising the child, trying to bring it back into the fold."
    "A loving father does not chastise unto death, major," Honor told him.
    His eyes

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