Rebel Temptress (Historical Romance)
highly. It is made from my Aunt Amanda's secret recipe. My neighbors would give much to know the secret ingredient that goes into it."
    He poured her a glass and offered it to her. Then he raised his glass to hers and smiled. "To your Aunt Amanda and her secret ingredient."
    Honor took a sip and studied him through half-closed eyelashes. He was quite tall, inches taller than Jordan. She watched as he leaned against her desk and crossed his long legs. His appearance was neat. His body appeared lean, yet muscular. He was very handsome indeed, for a Yankee, she thought.
    "Have you decided, Mrs. Daniels?" Adam drawled.
    His voice startled her. She had not been aware that she had been staring at him. "Have I decided what, major?"
    He smiled. "Do I measure up to what you expected an enemy officer to look like?"
    Her face turned red and she lowered her head. What would Meagan do in a situation like this, she wondered. Most probably she would charm the major into doing her bidding. Honor rose and walked slowly over to where he stood. Forcing a smile she looked into his eyes.
    "Major, I have a favor to ask of you." She threw back her head and gave him a look she had seen Meagan deliver on numerous occasions.
    The smile left Adam's face and his eyes narrowed to icy pinpoints. "I am at your service, Mrs. Daniels. Ask what you will."
    Honor licked her lips and moved even closer to him. She hated what she was doing, but the end results would justify the means, she told herself.
    "I would like to visit my mother- and father-in-law at Green Rivers. They are not young anymore and I like to check on them every so often. They must be beside themselves with worry, knowing I am alone and helpless among the enemy."
    "You are asking my permission?"
    She moved even closer to him. Her arm brushed his shoulder. "I was told by Sergeant Simpson that you were kind and a gentleman." She placed her hand on his arm and gave him her most helpless look.
    He withdrew her hand from his arm and held it for a moment. She wanted to pull away, but she could not back down now.
    Adam wondered just how far she would go to obtain her goal. She was playing with him and he was aware of it. Somehow it made him angry. This role seemed completely out of character for her.
    The anger showed in his voice when he spoke. "Just how bad do you want to visit Green Rivers, Mrs. Daniels?"
    She smiled nervously. "I have told you, major, my husband's parents are very old . . .
    "How far are you prepared to go to obtain my permission?"
    Honor drew back at his biting words. "I do not know what you mean."
    "Do you not? Then I will speak in plain English. You wish to bargain with me. What will you give me for permission to visit Green Rivers?"
    Honor's eyes widened in horror as she realized what he was implying. Backing away from him, she stumbled against a chair. Gripping the back of the chair, she saved herself from falling.
    "You think that I would . . . that I was . . ."
    He walked slowly toward her. His eyes never left her face. As he towered above her, Honor could feel his breath fan her face.
    "You play with fire, Mrs. Daniels. I am a red-blooded man, not immune to the charms of a beautiful woman. But even I would be hard pressed to make love to a woman in such an obviously advanced state of pregnancy."
    Honor shook her head as tears of humiliation sparkled in her green eyes. Her instinct was to run from the room and seek comfort by crying on Darcy's shoulder. She eyed the door, but Adam, seeing her intention, was not ready to let her go so easily. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he forced her to look at him. She seemed unable to move as his grip tightened on her shoulders.
    "You are a very lovely and desirable woman, but you are not very wise. Has your mother never warned you of the hazards you might encounter if you offer your charms so freely?" One hand moved up her shoulder and touched her face lightly.
    "I . . . I was not offering you myself. You are the last man I would allow

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