Rebel Temptress (Historical Romance)
narrowed and a muscle twitched in his jaw. "Sometimes the punishment must be severe when the crime is so great."
    Honor drew herself up proudly. "I will wish you a good day, major," she told him, walking to the door.
    Seeing it was her intention to leave, he intercepted her. Grabbing her by the arm, he turned her to face him.
    "Not so fast, Mrs. Daniels. I have not dismissed you yet."
    Angry words rushed to her lips, but he silenced her with a glance.
    "I will not allow you to close yourself off in your room as you have been doing. I have a sister who has two children, and the doctor told her that she should get plenty of fresh air and exercise to deliver a healthy baby."
    "Perhaps your Yankee women are puny and weak, but I can assure you that is not the case with me," Honor said childishly. "I do not need your advice," she added ungraciously, wondering why he should care if she had fresh air and exercise.
    "You will take at least one walk a day, Mrs. Daniels. I will have one of my men accompany you. Is that clear?" He smiled slightly. "I will not have it said that a woman in your condition was mistreated by a Yankee."
    "A southern gentleman would never call attention to a woman's condition when she is with child. I have heard it said that the men from the north are not gentlemen. I now know that to be the truth," Honor said scorchingly.
    Adam laughed heartily. "What is said about southern ladies who try to woo a man with their charms, Mrs. Daniels?"
    Honor looked at him indignantly. His barb had struck a nerve. For the first time she could see herself as he must have seen her, and she was more than a little embarrassed. She had sparred with him and felt she had held her own up to this point. All of a sudden it became important to her that he not think she was the kind of woman who would seek out a man and offer her favors freely.
    "I would not have . . . I do not want you to think I am a . . ."
    Adam lifted her chin and studied her face. "Do you not think that I know that? I pride myself on being a good judge of character, and I judge you to be innocent, and somehow untouched." His voice deepened. "What is your name?"
    Honor felt confused. She had expected anything from him but the compassion she saw on his face. "My name is Honor," she whispered through trembling lips.
    He stared at her long and hard. "Yes, the name fits," he said softly. He released her and opened the door for her to leave. "You may go now, Mrs. Daniels, but within an hour I shall send Sergeant Simpson to you to escort you on your daily walk."
    Honor swept past him and ascended the stairs, knowing he watched her. She did not breathe easy until she reached the safety of her room. Her encounter with the Yankee major had left her drained. She knew that she would be watched carefully; there would be no way for her to pass on the information she had overheard today. It was a helpless feeling knowing that she could help her fellow Confederates but for one man —Major Adam O'Roarke.
    Funny, she thought, now that it was over she found she had enjoyed sparring with him, even if she had come out the loser this time. She had never known anyone quite like him. He was polished and sophisticated and obviously a man who was used to getting his own way. He had called her beautiful. Why would he say that?
    Honor wondered if he had merely been playing with her, or if he really thought her beautiful. She removed her shawl and looked down at her swollen stomach. No, of course he could not think her anything but clumsy and ugly. Honor wondered why that thought hurt her so deeply.
    Adam closed the study door and walked over to the window, looking out without really seeing the landscape. He was haunted by green eyes and a soft voice. Was he mad to covet another man's wife? He found himself wondering about the man who was her husband. Did he know what a treasure he possessed?
    Of course he did. Was she not carrying his child?
    Closing his eyes, Adam saw her beautiful face, her

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