
Queer by Kathy Belge

Book: Queer by Kathy Belge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy Belge
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Could she spend the night? I was almost asleep by then, but I let her in. She tried to crawl into my bed with me, but I set her up with blankets and a pillow on the couch. She was still sleeping the next morning when I left for school and swimming practice. When I got home, I was horrified to find Kate in my room, sitting up in my bed! She said she had a migraine and was too sick to go home. And then she tried to kiss me! I pushed her away, found $10 in my dresser, called a cab, and sent her home. I couldn't believe that she actually called me the next day to ask me out again. After that, I was a lot more careful about who I invited back to my apartment!

Going for Date Two
    Your first date went swimmingly—he even laughed when you told him he had spinach in his teeth—and you'd really like to go out with him again. Well, go ahead and ask. Wait until the end of your first date, of course, and then say something romantic but straightforward, like, "I had fun tonight, and I'm really enjoying getting to know you. Want to do it again?" If he says yes, great. Ask for his phone number if you don't already have it and call to set up something later in the week. Don't wait too long, though. Some people think it's best to wait at least three days before you call someone, but if you really like him, don't keep him hanging.
    If he says no when you ask or says yes but then offers an excuse when you call, take it at face value and chalk it up to experience. If he hesitates or says he'd rather call you, that's OK. Sometimes it takes awhile for people to process how they feel about things, even if they've had an amazing time. Try not to get overly anxious waiting for the call by keeping busy with your own life and not checking your phone every two minutes. If he doesn't call after a week, he probably won't. Just let it go. Some people aren't good at being direct, which is unfortunate, but you can cut your losses by moving on and not obsessing over why he never contacted you again.

What to Do if the Date Sucks
    You were sure you and Joni would hit it off. She's so cute, working behind the scenes of the school play, dressed all in black. You always share a laugh about the drama behind the drama club. So it was a total surprise when she sat across from you on your first date, texting with her cousin about some lame reality show. WTF?
    Or maybe you said or did something you think was incredibly embarrassing, like spilling a latte on your pants, telling a joke that completely bombed, or getting into a little argument about politics. Before asking for the check or assuming that your love life will always be sitcom material, take a moment to consider that the date might not be going as badly as it seems. First dates are awkward and not always the best indicator of whether or not you've found your soulmate. If you think there might be some potential there, stick with it; some people need two or three dates to find out if someone's right for them.
    That said, things won't always work out. Even if the date isn't a complete disaster, one or both of you may notice early on that there's no chemistry. If the conversation comes to a complete halt or your date is doing something gross with her food or the minutes are dragging by slower than an algebra class in springtime, you may want to cut the date short.

    But how? Sometimes the other person feels the same way, and you can just finish up your smoothie and say, "Thanks for hanging out. See you around!" and it'll be cool. But If you sense your date is more into you than you are into her, it can be tricky to disengage. Be honest! Don't say something lame, like you forgot you had other plans or you're feeling sick. Politely thank her for the evening and say you need to go. If she asks why, it's OK to say that you appreciated your time together, but for some reason you're just not feeling it. Don't promise to call if that's not what you intend. Being up front about your feelings early on is

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