
Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk

Book: Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chuck Palahniuk
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Challenger 2 battle tanks sourced Oman, skitter between chewing treads Ml Abrams sourced Somaliland. Demented citizen overcoats flapping open. Citizen hands reaching. Outrunning battle tank T-84 Oplot sourced the Ukraine.
    Next then, deluded male and female apprehend operative Oleg, panting oxygen, gripping black dress uniform. Lunatic female, eye bleeding water flooding own face blind until water sheet own cheeks to chin, say, “They took you for testing.” Clutch Oleg, stamping lunatic pursed lips so contact many locations operative Oleg face, say, “They took you, and said you were dead.”
    Deranged female clutching Oleg. Deranged male clutch female, tugging to remove out rank and file state operatives. Extract from entire parade.
    For official record, operative Oleg produce great resistance. Launch counterattack, sweeping leg to make
Leaping Hyena, foot battering lunatic female. Fist smitingderanged male. Agent 68 make elbow
Punching Panda. Fashion head-butt
Ramming Ram, additional while continue march, covering five yards with every eight stride.
    Next now, lunatic male flaunt fake bear. Expose black eye crafted button. Stitch mouth. Citizen male exhibit sewed artificial fur bear, say, “We brought Wolfy.” Say, “You remember Wolfy…”
    Lunatic female straining so contain battling limbs of Oleg. Leaping Lizard. Hitting Hound. No body able advance until body Oleg advance. All operative frozen. All cannon and battle tank grind until total halt.
    Vast muscular might entire enormous state approaching official annual review. Eminent top statesmen await.
    Same now, pallid blue eye of operative Oleg land frozen on fake bear. Oleg feet no stride. All limb no fashion Punching Panda.
    Male and female deluded citizen envelop operative, encase black dress uniform within layers lunatic arms circling around.
    Oleg halted, squad halted. Squad halted, battle tanks halted. AMX-30 sourced Venezuela halted. Model 1877 siege gun sourced Italy, halted. Steel clank out treads, rumble, looming progress shadows along pavement, halted. Silent. Vast apparatus of state power and might clogged from lunacy single male and female. Brutal steel metal armored plated tanks, treads stop roll, cease rumble for reason two demented citizen silly embrace single youth on path.
    Crowd citizen roped aside, halt cheer. Hand halt whipping flags. Blue sky left silent so only witness foolish mouth of aberrant female clutching inhales while grinding self so fused to idiotic male and victim Oleg. That operative, agent 68, muchassaulted with affectionate gesture, heavy violated utilizing caresses.
    Vast mighty display military machine power, straight driving phalanx, total interrupted.
    At present location between two distant horizon, all halted. Spread acreage infinite soldiers shouldered with bazookas, with loins girded pistols and ammunition, remain merely witness. Crowd silent citizen witness.
    Next then, prudent stride squad leader among rank and file frozen operative. Adroit squad leader arrive so to grip nape of citizen male neck,
until male collapse. Repeat same effect on lunatic female. Both deranged citizen fallen crumple heaped to pavement, squad leader command Oleg, say, “Atten-hut.
    “Operative,” say squad leader, trumpet for all parade so register, say, “Behold two diseased cellular units of the state.” Say, “Witness two infectious bodies.”
    Lunatic individual threat as cancer, contagion to the state, spread dangerous illness so destroy all. Must excise. Heal state. Purge infection.
    Eye of operative Oleg, blue eye merely remain rest upon fake stuffed fur. Black button eyes and stitch mouth, fallen among pavement stones at beside deranged female.
    Sage squad leader say, “Present arms.”
    Obsession lunatic man and woman, restraining entire yearning streaming phalanx state military machine. Misguided affection-deranged citizens, choking righteous purpose whole vast device state

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