Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3)

Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3) by Monette Michaels

Book: Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3) by Monette Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monette Michaels
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turn eighteen, so he could court her and make her fall in love with him.
    But Bria had wanted to go to medical school. Damon had loved her enough to help convince his parents that going away to school would be good for her. He’d kept in constant touch with her and waited patiently for her to see him as marriage material. But the timing had never been right. She’d continued on and gotten a fellowship. He and Borac had taken over the jump station and had worked hard to make it as safe—and profitable—as possible.
    Then the fucking Prime joined the Alliance, and Bria began working with Prime DNA. He guessed it was inevitable that his very smart Bria would figure out what she was.
    And she had—and the time had come for him to pay the consequences for his, and his family’s, lies of omission.
    He wasn’t looking forward to their “talk.”
    How could he admit the main reason he’d kept silent was because he wanted her for himself? That made him sound like a selfish bastard. He really wished she hadn’t intuited that he’d lied. Now, she’d hate him and never want to see him again—and that would hurt the worst of all. Anger riding his heels, he sought Tomas, one of his most trusted security people. Bria was on his station and in danger. No one—not a mercenary Erian nor a lusty bar patron nor her stalker nor a Prime or Alliance traitor—would harm her while she was under his care.
    Bria was still his to protect until her fucking Prime mate came to claim her.
    If her mate claims her. He could be dead.
    Now, wouldn’t that be nice?
    If her mate were dead, he’d stake his own claim and win her love.
    Borac’s union with a Terran woman had proven Prime could mate outside their own species, despite Borac’s earlier claims of Prime mating supremacy. Borac’s wife, Cissy, now carried their second child—a feat that was supposed to be impossible according to what Borac had been taught during his childhood on Cejuru Prime.
    Damon found Tomas at the guard station located at the back entrance to the bar, which connected directly into the corridor leading to the employees’ quarters.
    “Hey, boss. Your sister okay? Heard what happened.” Tomas shook his head. “Fucking Erians.”
    “She’s fine.” Thank God, or there would’ve been a lot more blood on the docks to clean up. “Get one of the other guards to take over here. You’re on Bria guard duty. No one goes in her quarters,” Damon growled. “And she doesn’t come out unless a guard is with her. Understood?”
    “Got it. Sweet thing like her doesn’t need to be anywhere outside the employees’ quarters.” Tomas frowned. “What the fuck’s she doing here anyway?”
    “She has people after her. They’re not gonna get her.” Then he stalked off.
    With Tomas on his way to guard Bria, Damon stepped into the main bar area. He automatically noted the place was packed, and the men present included the crew of the Mason freighter which had brought Bria to the station. While a little worse for the wear after their fight, the freighter crew was loud, noisy, and drunkenly appreciative of the live sex shows going on in the alcoves around the seating area.
    One of Hades’ best strippers was on the main stage, making love alternately to her stripper pole and a boa constrictor. Three mercenaries who used the Charybdis gate routinely were all but leaning on the stage, calling out lewd suggestions of what to do with the snake. With good humor and an eye for larger tips, the dancer was obliging them with pleasurable results for all concerned. One of his bouncers was nearby to make sure the men didn’t climb on the stage and participate.
    Damon had private sex rooms for that kind of activity.
    All in all, it was a typical scene for the bar that stayed open around the clock.
    He scanned the circular room, looking for Borac.
    “She here?” Borac spoke from behind him.
    Damon turned. “Yes. And she almost got snatched off the docks by an Erian mercenary and his

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