Prescribed for Love

Prescribed for Love by Mallory Moutinho

Book: Prescribed for Love by Mallory Moutinho Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Moutinho
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had made it a point to try and preserve as many fruits and vegetables as possible. This was especially important for Ailsa. With her inability to process gluten, Cat would need to make sure there were plenty of options stored away.
    Lainie knew Cat’s concern, so she often kept Cat abreast of when a certain type of food was able to be harvested. She had recently told Cat about some nearby blaeberries. Cat decided today would be a good day to check on the berries since she did not really feel like interacting with anyone and could use an escape .
    With this new direction , Cat went in search of Branan. He would most likely agree to accompany her. Normally, she would ask Alasdair , but there was no way she could face him right now. She was worried she would let slip her current predicament.
    While searching the lists for Branan, Cat was also careful to avoid Alasdair . She was relieved when she found the young guard without coming in contact with the laird. “Branan, are you very busy? Do you think I could steal you away for a little while? I want to gather some of those berries Lainie told me about.”
    “For ye Lady Cat—anything,” replied Branan.
    “Nay, ye stay here, I will go with her.” Of course —of course Alasdair would be right here! Catriona had not seen him when she approached; he had been well hidden behind an other ma n.
    “No, that’s okay. I don’t want to bother you,” said Cat in an attempt to abort her efforts and escape from Alasdair ’s company as soon as possible .
    “Nay, ti s nothing. How long can looking at a few berries take? Besides, I could use a small snack ,” responded Alasdair . Cat tried to think of another excuse, but failed . Even though she would look like an idiot, she briefly contemplated fleeing. However , before she could run, Alasdair took her arm to guide her toward her previously desired destination. D amn chivalry getting in the way of my cowardly flight !
    Neither Catriona nor Alasdair spoke as they left for the berries—each was too deeply immersed in their own thoughts to notice the other’s silence. The blaeberries appeared remarkably similar to blueberries , only they did n ot grow in bunches. Curious, Cat popped one in her mouth. The y pretty much t asted like blueberries too—just much more flavorful. Worried Alasdair may have wanted to come with her to take advantage of their solitude, Cat immediately set to work gathering the fruit. “Are you going to stand there looking pretty, or are you going to help?” asked Cat. She hoped this sounded close enough to her normal teasing. She did not want Alasdair to suspect her frazzled state of mind.
    “Aye, give me a bucket. But, I am nae pretty, I am handsome.”
    “I think you need to work on your humbleness pretty-boy.”
    “ I think ye meant to say handsome-man.”
    “Pretty-boy, handsome-man, whatever, it doesn’t matter, just get pickin’ ,” laughed Cat as she gave him the larger pail. Even though she had wanted to avoid him, she still found her self amused with their interaction . Relieved when Alasdair simply began to pick beside her, Cat let herself relax.
    When the buckets were nearly full, Alasdair asked, “Catriona, have ye been happy here?” Uh oh, this sounds serious.
    Deciding to be vague, Cat replied, “Everyone has been very kind.”
    “That is nae an answer.”
    “Well, yes, I have been happy enough. But, I would be happiest back home,” said Cat.
    “Have ye thought about what ye will do if yer brother never comes looking for ye?” he asked.
    Now Cat was really leery of the direction of this conversation. “If he had any clue about my whereabouts he would try and find me. But, you are right, I should probably start looking for a way to get home on my own.” Cat knew this was not what Alasdair meant, but decided to interpret his question the way she wanted.
    “That isnae what I meant.” There was a long pause in which Cat solely directed her attention to the berries in front of

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