Prescribed for Love

Prescribed for Love by Mallory Moutinho Page A

Book: Prescribed for Love by Mallory Moutinho Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Moutinho
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her. She could not bring herself to make eye contact with the man. “ What I mean t to say is ye have a place here if ye want it.”
    “That’s kind of you to say, but I could not stay as your guest here indefinitely. I would not want to be such a burden.”
    “I dinnae mean as a guest.” Oh shit, I hope he’s not asking what I think he’s asking. “I mean ye could stay here as my wife.”
    Abort, abort, abort! This time Cat really did flee. She did not even grab the berries she had spent the last hour picking. Gah, I should have never come out here with him! Feeling trapped, Cat ran to her room. She needed that book to send her bask ASAP!
    Keith was back at Cat’s apartment. Only this time he was taking her things out of what was to be her new residence . She had been missing for almost three months now. With no word on her whereabouts, the apartment complex wanted to relist her unit. Keith felt completely numb while packing her boxes in her truck. He just kept reliving her graduation day. He should have made her ride with him in the truck.
    Keith grabbed the last box, once again the heaviest, filled with all of her books. As he lifted if into the back, the tape holding it together gave way, dumping books everyone. He was tempted t o just leave them, but instead began to pick them up and then throw them haphazardly into the back. He thought he had finally picked up the last one, but then noticed one more book sitting precariously on the edge of a small ditch right outside of the surrounding woods. He rushed to grab the book before it fell, but moved a little too fast. The ground at the edge of the ditch was muddy, and his weight caused it to collapse—he rolled down the hill just as he grabbed the book.
    Dis oriented from the fall, Keith stayed l ying on his back for a few moments. As he stood , something shiny caught his eye. Oh my g od! It’s Cat’s graduation cap! He ran over to grab it. T hinking she may have fallen down here Keith ran further into the woods , looking for any additional signs of Cat. In a crazed manner he continued his search , paying attention to neither the time, nor the direction.
    Keith only stopped when he heard a noise ahead that greatly distu rbed him. I t sounded like there were men fighting just a few feet ahead of him . Concerned they may somehow have been involved in Cat’s disappearance, he advanced slowly. But, as he came upon their location, he was only able to see the back of a man running away, leaving an injured ma n on the ground. He rushed to the man’s side, but it was too late.

Chapter 10
    Of all of the possible reactions Alasdair had envisioned, he had not expected Catriona to simply run away at his offer . While he had not seriously considered marriage before his conversation with Ailsa, Catriona’s rejection still hurt. He tried to tell himself that she was not really rejecting him; she just did not yet want to consider she may never go home . Wanting to better explain his reasoning, he began to go after Catriona, but stopped short when he saw Niall racing toward him.
    The man pulled his destrier to a quick halt . “Laird, Cailen was killed while out with one of the patrols.”
    “Did ye kill the man that did it?” asked Alasdair . He was livid someone had dared such a vicious assault .
    “Nay, but we hav e him with us. He says he isnae a Cameron. I thought ye would like to question him.”
    “Aye. Where is he?”
    “I rode ahead to find ye so ye could greet the party on their way into the keep.” Alasdair took Niall’s suggestion , leaving the guard as he sprinted in the direction of the castle .
    Now Cat was truly panicked. She could not find the book anywhere! She always kept it in the same spot, and the only other people who were ever in here would never steal it. It was not as if the book would just disappear.
    “Go fuck yourself!” The yelled expletive floated in through the window causing Cat to freeze in her tracks . Oh my god , it

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