Prescribed for Love

Prescribed for Love by Mallory Moutinho Page B

Book: Prescribed for Love by Mallory Moutinho Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Moutinho
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can’t be. Pray ing she was wrong, she ran to the window hoping disprove her fear. Just inside th e castle walls was a man bound and kneeling before Alasdair, who appeared to be questioning the newcomer in a rat her violent manner. The man was not wearing a kilt like most of the men surrounding him ; instead, he wore a pair of pants suspiciously similar to blue jeans . Catriona ran faster than she ever had in her life.
    Catriona ’s feet did not even seem to touch the stone beneath her as she flew down the stairs; she pushed anyone in her path out of the way. Reaching the landing, she hiked her skirt up and sprinted to the gathering of men. She was forced to manhandle her way through to the center. She arrived just as Alasdair was once again pulling back his arm to deliver another fer ocious blow . She threw herself in front of the fist, successfully misdirect ing most of the strike by using her arms as a shield. “ Alasdair stop!”
    “What are ye doing woman? I could have killed ye!” roared Alasdair . “Now move !”
    “Get out of the way !”
    “ Alasdair listen to me. I don’t know what happened, but I do know who this man is. This is Keith!” This sentence managed to break through Alasdair ’s rage , finally causing him to quit his assault .
    “Yer brother?”
    “It doesnae matter. He killed Cailen and I need to find out why. ”
    “Cailen’s dead?” asked Cat, completely shocked. She had never really interacted with the old man once she came back, but she never would have wanted this for the man.
    “Keith would never kill anybody. Did you even see him do it?” she asked.
    “Nay, Niall found him over Cailen’s body.”
    Cat’s gaze searched out Niall’s, but did not find it. “Finding Keith there doesn’t mean he killed him. Where is Niall. Let’s ask him what he saw.”
    “Are ye questioning me lass?”
    “Of course I’m questioning you! I find you beat ing the crap out of my brother— whom I t hought I might never see again—based on some bogus charges with no proof, and you expect me to just sit back and let you dole out the punishment? Sorry Mac , that just ai n’t my style.”
    “He killed one of my men!”
    “You don’t know that. Why don’t we wait for Niall to tell us what happened? Look, there he is now!”
    “NIALL!” roared Alasdair .
    “Aye?” asked the man , running to his laird’s side .
    “Ye said this man killed Cailen, is this true?”
    “Aye ,” said Niall.
    “But did you actually see it?” asked Catriona.
    “Well, nay, but he was standing over Cailen’s body when I found him.”
    “Ugh, that means nothing! Why don’t you try asking Keith, ” suggested Cat.
    “I did.”
    “And just what did you ask him?” questioned Cat.
    “I asked him why he killed Cailen,” responded Alasdair .
    “Yeah, then I told him what he could do with himself when he didn’t like my answer ,” interjected Keith. Cat was surprised he had stayed silent so long. She had been avoiding looking at him for fear of bursting into tears before this whole matter was resolved. But, she could not stop herself from turning to look at him when she heard him ask, “Cat, is that really you?”
    “Yes, it’s me.”
    “God, I thought you were dead.”
    “More like not even born...” she muttered.
    “What?” asked Keith.
    “ Never mind , I’ll explain everything to you later, after we get this spectacle settled.” Bringing the conversation back on track she asked, “Now, what happened that led you to be hovering over Cailen’s body?”
    Keith explained how his search for Cat had brought him to the scene of Cailen’s murder . He had not even been there a moment before Niall found him and accused him of the terrible deed.
    Having heard Keith’s story, Alasdair then began to question Niall further. Since no one had actually seen the attack, and since Keith had had no weapons on him, Alasdair released him. It made far more sense that a Cameron

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