Pony Dreams
hands clasped tight, for a good long time.
    “I've been thinking. Maybe it's time to stop
grieving and spend time with our neighbors.”
    “Do you mean the Johnsons?” I couldn't keep
the horror out of my voice.
    “Our other neighbors.” She smiled. “The
Hadley's will put up a new barn next month. You and I can go over
there for the dance with Adam and Mark.”
    “What about the others?” I asked.
    “They'll have to stay with your pa,” she
said. “He's still ill, but I know he'll want you to meet more
folks, to get to know young men who might interest you.”
    “Ma!” Embarrassed heat bathed my cheeks.
    “You'll be sixteen in October,” she said.
“Girls your age make up their hope chests and look for the man
they'll pick for their husband.”
    “I don't want a husband.” I buried my face
against her chest. “I want to stay here forever.”
    “You'll change your mind one day.” She pried
me loose. “I put on some peaches to sweeten this morning. Would you
like to help me with a new cake recipe my ma sent me?”
    “What is it?” I asked.
    “An upside down cake.” She giggled as we
stood. “Can you imagine that? You put the fruit on the bottom and
turn it out after it bakes.”
    I had never imagined anything so silly in my
life. Ma and I went into the kitchen and had more fun than I ever
remembered the rest of the day. We talked, giggled, and laughed
through what I had always thought of as dull, boring work. After we
finished the dishes, I approached a subject she had declared
    “Can I work with the horses again?”
    “I'm sorry,” she said. “I know how much you
love it, but it's not right.”
    I have to find a way to change her mind.
I'll just die if I can't ever ride a horse again—especially Blaze.
He's leaving as soon as Adam makes up his mind they have enough
ponies ready.
    * * * *
    A few days later, I watched the corral from
the porch. No matter how much I begged, Ma wouldn't let me break
    “Watch what you're doing, Mark,” Adam
shouted. “That horse will toss you faster than it did Abby if you
don't tighten up on those reins.”
    As I bit my lip to keep from telling him what
they were doing wrong, Uncle Andy leaned against the railing.
    “Louisa tells me you inherited Grandfather's
gift,” he commented.
    I turned a little so I didn't have to look at
him. He might have helped Ma and me past our troubles, but he still
had a lot to explain.
    “Still a might upset?” he asked.
    “You could have said something.”
    “I promised your ma I wouldn't until I got my
life together. I hope you'll forgive me.”
    “Maybe.” I shrugged. “Maybe not. Don't know
right now.”
    As if I would ever tell him anything, he was
the most mysterious person I had ever come across. His actions
since Pa, Peter, and Paul fell sick only made things worse.
    I'll never let him help me. Never! Not even
if he gets me back on a horse.
    The last bit of my vow hurt. I yearned to
feel warm horseflesh beneath me so much that my teeth ached.
    Well ... I could maybe ... no! I'll never
trust him.
    Uncle Andy put an arm around my shoulder. I
shifted away from him.
    “Those bruises still paining you?” he
    “All healed, are they?”
    I wouldn't tell. Not for a chance to break
the horses, not even if he offered me a place with The Pony
Express. No way would I say anything about how my back still hurt
on occasion. Like right now, turning quick as I had brought out a
painful twitch. It almost felt like a bee sting.
    “I won't tell your ma. I just want to know if
you need my help.”
    Hoping he would forget about pestering me, I
pointed at the corral.
    “They're gonna spoil that horse for riding.
Adam's good, but he doesn't know how to settle a mustang so it's
only half-broke.”
    Uncle Andy focused the corral.
    “Explain how you do it,” he coaxed.
    “You have to whisper in his ear for a good
long time,” I said. “Then you let him tell you when it's time to
crawl on his

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