Pony Dreams
okay,” Adam grumbled. “If I
even think you're daydreaming, off you come, and you'll never get
back inside this corral again. Understand?”
    Bursting with happiness, I reached for the
mustang. The animal reared back, but I showed no fear as I stroked
his mane.
    “You'll be doing a great thing when we take
you to The Pony Express Station,” I whispered. “There are a lot of
horses already there, but I bet you'll be the best. Can I get up on
your back, and we'll trot around the corral so I can tell if you're
right for the job?”
    Stepping back, I stared into the horse's
eyes. After a very long time, the animal nodded. Adam helped me up,
and I guided the mustang around the corral several times. Finally,
he cinched a saddle into place, and I scrambled up. A bit of fear
snuck in on my elation, but I shoved it away.
    I soon had my brothers using the same method
to talk the horses into letting someone onto their backs. By the
time Adam called a halt for the day, we had half-broken almost all
the mustangs.
    “Bart and I will hunt down another group
tomorrow,” he announced as we wiped down our mounts and settled
saddles on the corral fence. “Abby, if you promise not to get into
trouble, I'll leave Charles in charge of watching you.”
    “I'll do it.” Gabriel's surly voice startled
    My brothers circled me and glared at him.
    “Get out of here,” Adam growled.
    “You're disgustin'.” Gabriel swung a finger
at me. “Women don't wear pants, and they certainly don't do men's
    Adam snarled. Bart and Charles snorted. Mark
surprised me by snapping, “It's none of your business what our
sister wears.”
    Pride at his defense drove away my fear,
until Gabriel grabbed a handful of rocks. Bart and Charles took off
after Gabriel. They rounded the barn, and then he raced toward a
hillock. Seconds before they caught him, Gabriel reappeared on the
back of a horse, whipping the animal with the reins and riding
toward his place.
    I groaned. With this problem, Ma would never
let me out of the house again.

Chapter Fifteen
    While my brothers
escorted me to the house, Mark's favorite expression zoomed through
my mind.
    Sure as shootin', they'll bust their
britches telling Ma all about Gabriel's latest visit as soon as
they close the door. Holy heck! Being the only girl in such a big
family is the worst thing in creation.
    “You can't go outside unless one of us is
with you,” Bart said.
    I opened my mouth to argue. He glared at
    “Those Johnsons are bad, but Gabriel's the
worst,” he said. “He'll do anything to get the contract. Look at
what happened to you. Do you want someone else hurt if they decide
to throw rocks at you again?”
    “What if they use rifles next time?” Mark
    Ice gripped my legs, making it downright
impossible to keep walking. I stopped halfway to the house. No way
would I let anything happen to one of my brothers, but I had to
trick them into changing their minds.
    A cow mooed. I grinned in anticipation of
distracting them.
    “Ma's gonna skin the lot of you if you don't
milk them.” I pointed at the barn, where the complaints had become
very loud.
    “You're with me, short stuff,” Adam said.
“Bart, Charles, take care of the chickens. Mark, go on inside and
soften up Ma. Grab some vegetables on your way.”
    He dealt with the cows while I sat on a stool
beside him. Creamy milk, dusty hay, and sweaty cowhide lulled me
into drowsiness. When a cat wound around my legs, purring loudly, I
almost fell asleep.
    “Consider Bart's order as coming from me, or
Pa when he's back on his feet.” Adam handed me one of the pails.
“If I catch you outside alone, I won't let you ride another
    That was about the worst punishment I could
think of. He nodded when I stared at him openmouthed, and I
realized he was very serious. We started back toward the house, and
my mind whirled with ways to get around his order.
    Adam's easy. All I have to do is

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