Pony Dreams
    I lost myself in the explanation of how I
worked with the ponies. Soon, I whispered like I did with the
horses. While watching the animal Adam was currently trying to
mount, I directed my magic in that direction. It would do us no
good if he got hurt.
    “Do you want to help?”
    Uncle Andy's question startled me. I nodded
before remembering I was mad at him.
    “I'll take care of it,” he said. “Go on
inside, you can't wear a dress.”
    Keeping an eye on the corral, I went inside.
What did Uncle Andy mean when he said I couldn't wear a dress?
Girls always wore dresses. Pants were for men. That's what Ma told
me on my last birthday, when she said I had to act like a lady.
    I ran into the kitchen, where she rolled
piecrust into a perfect circle. Dried peaches and pears bubbled in
the same pan on the stove.
    “There you are,” she said. “Wash up, I need
    “Michael won't be ready to work with the
mustangs for a long time, if ever.” Uncle Andy lounged against the
wall. “Adam's not getting the job done because he doesn't have
Abby's magic. Let her ride, Louisa.”
    “She'll get hurt. I never should have agreed
to that crazy plan,” she said.
    After washing my hands, I stirred the fruit.
When she talked like that, no one had a chance of changing her
    Holy heck! If Uncle Andy truly is Ma's
brother, he'd know that.
    “You're wasting her gift, and making it
impossible for Adam to fulfill his father's promise. You once told
me that I had to get over losing Matilda and Grace,” he said. “Now
I'm telling you to let Abby back onto a horse. She's pining away
for it.”
    “Andy,” Ma said.
    Her protest sounded weak, almost like she was
about to change her mind.
    “Give her a pair of one of the boys' outgrown
pants and let her go,” Uncle Andy suggested. “I'll help with the
pies and supper. Let Abby have some fun before she grows up.”
    “Adam had to carry her back to the
    “Ah now, sis, Adam's treated Abby like a
china doll since he peeked into her cradle. And he only got worse
after the accident. He'll never stop being protective of her. None
of you will.” He grasped Ma's hands. “It's a wonder she came out so
feisty, what with all of you protecting her better than a puma
protects her cubs.”
    Pulling free, she paced around the kitchen.
“She scared us something terrible.”
    Happiness wiggled through me. She sounded
like she had to find a reason to object.
    “For crying out loud,” he said. “You've
always sent the boys right back out to climb on a horse. Do you
want Abby afraid of the animals?”
    She looked at me and bit her lip. Ma glanced
from Uncle Andy to me, and then back again.
    “You're right.” She hugged me. “You won't
daydream again?”
    “No, ma'am,” I whispered, hardly daring to
hope she'd changed her mind.
    “There's a pair of pants Peter outgrew in my
bedroom, at the top of the wardrobe.”
    I raced for the door, scared beyond scared
that Ma would change her mind if I waited too long.
    “Grab those old boots of Paul's just inside
the bunkhouse,” she shouted. “Yours won't work for riding.”
    Ten minutes later, my dress and petticoats
lay on my bedroom floor. The boots were a little big, but I solved
that by stuffing several handkerchiefs into the toes. I ran outside
before the dreaded words stopped me. Tuning out any noise from the
house, I skidded to a stop at the astonished expressions on my
brothers faces.
    “Who told you to come out here?” Adam
struggled to keep from laughing.
    “Ma and Uncle Andy,” I said. “You'll ruin
that horse if you keep forcing him to accept you. Let me show
    “Ma will skin me alive if I let you back on a
horse. You near about scared her to death.”
    “She said it was okay. Let me ride.” I cocked
my head to one side and smiled. “Please?”
    “Adam, your ma said to let Abby ride,” Uncle
Andy shouted from the porch. “But she wants you to keep a careful
eye on her.”
    “I guess it's

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