Owning Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 4)

Owning Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 4) by Shelly Morgan

Book: Owning Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 4) by Shelly Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelly Morgan
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brother decides to show up. I don’t know what would happen if he saw me with Jax, but I know it wouldn’t be pretty. I’d never forgive myself if Jax got hurt, or worse, because of me.
    Jax motions to the bag over my shoulder. “Do you want me to take that so you can grab the rest of your stuff?” he asks.
    “Oh, uh, no. I guess I didn’t have much to bring after all. I’m sorry I made you come up here for nothing.”
    “No worries,” he says, then takes a step toward the door. “Shall we?”
    A laugh bubbles up and breaks past my lips as he folds his arm across his stomach, then bows like he’s the driver awaiting the Princess to enter her limousine.
    Moving forward, I take a step to walk in front of him, but before I can he holds out his hand, stopping my exit.
    I look at him questioningly, not sure why he’s not letting me pass, but he answers my unspoken question with a smile. “I’ll carry your bag.”
    I pause for minute, but decide there’s no harm in him taking my bag for me. It’s not needed, but if it makes him feel better, than who am I to say no?
    “Thank you,” I say, then finally step out of my apartment, locking up after he closes the door.
    “I’ll follow you out of town. Make your way onto I-34 North. Once we get out of town, I’ll pull out in front of you for you to follow me to the clubhouse,” Jax says as we make our way down the steps.
    “Okay,” I simply say, not going to argue with him. I have no idea where this clubhouse is or even what town it’s in. I should have looked at Mack’s paperwork before he was released, but I never saw a need to. I could be following this guy into the gates of Hell, but I highly doubt it. I may not know this guy, but I do think I know Mack. Or enough to know that he wouldn’t lead me to my death or trust Jax as my escort if he was bad news.
    “Do you need to stop anywhere to get anything else before we head out of town?” Jax asks, interrupting my thoughts.
    Thinking about that for a minute, I wonder if I should try to stop somewhere to see if they have a computer or even a tablet to keep me busy when I’m not working with Mack, but quickly shut that idea down. I’m tired and just want to fall into a bed or any soft surface and sleep for a week. I can see if someone can take me to a Best Buy or something tomorrow.
    “No, that won’t be necessary. I have all that I need right now. Thank you though,” I answer.
    “Not a problem, babe. Mack told me to make sure you got to the clubhouse safely, but also to be sure you had everything you want and need for your stay. I think he gave me enough money to put a down payment on a mansion to cover anything you wanted to buy.” He laughs at that last part.
    I smile even though Jax can’t see me. It’s not for him, anyway. The fact that Mack not only tasked this man with my safety, but to also take me anywhere I wanted to go and buy anything I needed is sweet. I’ve never had anyone care about my safety or if I had even the bare essentials before, so this is a nice change.
    Getting in my car, I wait until I see Jax ready on his bike before I start my car. Pulling out of the parking lot, I don’t even bother to look around the lot trying to spot ghosts from my past. For better or worse, things are about to change. I can feel it in the air, in my blood, down in my soul. I just hope that it doesn’t end up killing me.
    It took us a little under an hour before we pass the sign that said ‘Welcome to Dixon—Home of the Few.’ I have no idea what the saying on the sign means, but I’m making a note to ask Mack or someone else about it later.
    Jax gives me some hand signal just past the city limits. I wish I knew biker hand signs, but since I don’t, I’ll just have to suffice with following him. Hopefully that’s what his little hand motion was.
    We start to slow down and I think we are getting close to the clubhouse, but we continue to drive for what feels like hours. Or maybe

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