Owning Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 4)

Owning Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 4) by Shelly Morgan Page B

Book: Owning Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 4) by Shelly Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelly Morgan
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should be here. But he’s not. Maybe he’s going to the bathroom or trying to change? I wonder if he’s okay or if he needs help. Or maybe he’s in pain and needs some meds. Shit, I should go find him to make sure everything is all right.
    Leaning in toward Dani, I ask, “Where’s Mack?” I’m not sure if she can hear the concern in my voice, but I’m too worried to try to hide it.
    “Oh, he’s in the back. Let me show you back there and to your room,” Dani says. She leads me away from the party and down a quiet hallway.
    There are more doors down here than I thought possible. From seeing the place outside and even looking through the bar, you wouldn’t think it was this big, but this place is huge…although I don’t know what the rooms are for or how big they are. For all I know they could be small closets, but that seems unlikely. They have to either be bedrooms or offices or something more than just a closet. Maybe one leads to a bathroom or the kitchen? But still, that would mean this place is big. I could even get lost in here if I’m not careful.
    We seem to walk on forever, but we finally stop at the second to last door at the end of the long hallway. These are the only doors this far down, like they were meant to be separated from the others.
    Looking over my shoulder, I see no one else has followed us. I’m starting to get a little nervous. Being back here by myself—even with Dani by my side—it’s kind of scary. I’m so used to being scared all the time and always looking over my shoulder, waiting for the monsters of my past to jump out and try to grab me. But here, I’m surrounded by people I barely know. Who’s to say they aren’t the same as my brother? Or worse.
    “This is your room. Mack had me get some things for you, but if you think of anything else you may want or need, just let me know. Maybe you’ll let me take you shopping. I’m sure Harlow and Sara would even like that. We’re due for a good ol’ shopping trip where we spend the guys’ money anyway.” She laughs and winks at me, which has me smiling back at her. It’s so easy to be happy around Dani. It’s weird, but welcome. I could see us becoming good friends, and staying friends even after all of this is said and done. If I stick around, that is.
    “Anyway, I’ll let you get situated. I’ll have Jax bring your bag by soon. Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
    Turning so I’m facing her fully, I say, “Thank you, Dani. I really appreciate it. And I may take you up on that shopping trip.”
    Dani pulls me in for a hug and whispers, “You’re welcome, babe. Just be careful with him. He’s a good man and hasn’t had things easy. He deserves something good in his life and I know he’s taken a liking to you.” Pulling back, she casts a serious, almost angry look toward me. “But if you hurt him, we’ll have problems.” Then, as if she didn’t just threaten me, she smiles. “And I’m always game for a shopping trip, now more than ever.” Then she’s turning on her heel, heading back to the bar area.
    Well, that was weird, but I get what she’s saying. Mack is an amazing man as far as I can tell, and he’s her father. She’s just looking out for him the only way she knows how.
    I wait until she’s out of sight, then take a deep breath. I have no idea what I’m about to walk into and I’m nervous. I almost want to wait until I see Mack before I step inside these walls, but Dani is already gone and I’m not about to go wander around by myself, opening random doors, looking for him. When Jax comes by with my bag, I’ll just have to ask him where Mack is.
    Blowing out a long breath, I harden my resolve and open the door. It’s now or never.
    Turning the knob, I slowly open the door, and what I see on the other side blows my mind.
    The first thing I notice is Mack inside, sitting in his wheelchair beside a huge bed. It looks like he was setting something down, but I can’t pay attention to

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