Owning Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 4)

Owning Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 4) by Shelly Morgan Page A

Book: Owning Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC Series Book 4) by Shelly Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelly Morgan
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it’s just me and my over-tired brain.
    Finally, I spot a huge building that looks like it could be Fort Knox’s twin. The lot in front of it is filled with bikes and a few cars, so I’m going to go out on a limb and say this is the clubhouse. Jax doesn’t disappoint as he pulls into said parking lot and stops right in front of the doors.
    I’m not sure if I should follow him or choose one of the few parking spots left, but I go with the former. Someone else can move my car if it’s in the way. I’m too fucking tired to care right now.
    Jax unmounts from his bike, then walks the few feet over to my car. “Home sweet home,” he says as he opens my door.
    “Yeah, thanks,” I say, not really sure what else to say. Yes, this will be the place I lay my head down for the next few weeks or so, but home? I don’t think I’ve ever really had a place I’d consider home. Definitely not the place I was raised. That was more of a purgatory than home. And my dorm during college was just a place I rested my head between classes and clinicals. And my apartment after that? That was— is —my place, but I don’t think I’ve ever referred to it as a home.
    I follow Jax toward the front door and notice he still has my bag. It’s slung over his shoulder like it’s his. I should take it back or at least thank him for carrying it for me even though it probably would have been easier for me to just put in my backseat, but I let him carry it. I’m not even sure my tired body could carry the damn thing.
    Right before we make it to the door, it opens and out walks one of the women I’ve seen at the hospital visiting Mack. It’s Dani—Mack’s daughter.
    “Hey Jax, how was the ride here?” she asks my escort, before looking past him and right at me. I see a look of surprise cross her face before she covers it up with a smile. “Nurse Rose. I didn’t know you were the one Mack hired to oversee the rest of his care.” There’s no malice in her voice. She’s truly surprised I’m here. Does she not think I’m capable of taking care of her father? Or did she just not think I’d agree?
    “Yeah, well, your father drives a hard bargain.” No sense in asking what she meant. I highly doubt she’d tell me even if I did ask, and frankly, I don’t really care about her answer. All she needs to know is that Mack needed an in-home nurse and here I am. Simple as that.
    Dani laughs, then links her arm through mine, leading me into the building. “That he does, girl. That he does,” she says.
    We clear the door and walk into a big common room that looks like a full-on bar. There are tables and chairs scattered all over, and there are a few booths around the edges of the room. I can see at least two pool tables, a few couches, and even a stage on one end equipped with a stripper pool. Holy shit! What the hell am I walking into?
    The bar is long and tall. I think it’s made from mahogany, or something similar. It’s very nice. Just looking at the bar, you’d think you were in some fancy restaurant, not inside an outlaw MC’s clubhouse.
    Looking around the bar, I see a lot of people. Some are drinking beer, some have something stronger, and some are walking around with soda cans. But the one thing that is the same; they all have smiles on their faces. They all look happy, like they’ve each won the lottery or something. It’s so strange, but it’s also amazing.
    I’ve seen people who are happy before. Maybe about getting a promotion or they were proposed to by their boyfriend. But it doesn’t last and in a way, it always seems fake. This right here? This isn’t fake. I don’t know if this is the way they all are all the time, or if this is because Mack is home, but it’s nice to see. It makes me feel happy just witnessing it.
    Doing another glance around, I don’t see Mack among the dozens of faces. If this is a party for him, which I would assume it is because there’s a small banner hung haphazardly above the bar, he

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