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Book: Owen by Tony Riches Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tony Riches
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of cut-purses had their ears cut off as punishment.

Chapter Eight
    It is a relief to be back at Wallingford Castle after the extravagances of the coronation, yet Catherine confides to me that she has been unable to sleep, fearing for the safety of her son when he travels to Paris. Her brother Charles has a new champion in France in the unlikely form of a young woman named Joan, who has somehow become a heroine of the people.
    The woman they call the Maid of Orleans has rallied the French army. It seems she hears the voice of God and has ended the English siege of the strategically important city of Orleans. Catherine’s brother-in-law John, Duke of Bedford, finds his position as Regent of France threatened—and the uneasy truce with Duke Philip of Burgundy is wavering.
    I do my best to reassure Catherine, but in my heart I know she is right to be concerned, as the timing could hardly be worse. Her brother Charles has now been crowned, so there is a real risk that making a great show of crowning Harry King of France could lead to war. Paris is no longer safe for the English and the young king is an obvious target for the French.
    An opportunity to raise these concerns comes when Catherine is invited to visit Duke Humphrey’s London mansion. I contrive to accompany the duke on his early morning ride along the Thames embankment, where the air is cold enough to show the hot breath of our horses. I see my chance to mention our reservations about the second coronation once we are out of earshot of the guards.
    The duke is candid. ‘My brother believes the claim to the French crown can be strengthened by this coronation.’ He frowns at the thought. ‘It must go ahead though, even if the siege of Paris is imminent. To turn back now would be disastrous, so I’ve persuaded parliament that strong military intervention is the only answer. We’ve started recruiting five thousand additional men to support those already there.’
    ‘I worry for the young king, my lord.’
    ‘The nobility of England are vying with each other to support the king. You need to understand, Tudor, the prospect of the coronation in France is an opportunity for people like Cardinal Beaufort to grow even richer.’ His tone becomes patronising as he warms to his theme. ‘Soldiers have to be paid, and men like Beaufort rub their hands together at the prospect of even more loans to the crown.’
    ‘What of the queen’s brother Charles, my lord?’
    ‘What of him? He was lucky at Orleans. You’ve served in France, Tudor. The French are a fickle lot. My brother will show them it takes more than a young woman dressed in a man’s armour to stop him.’
    Duke Humphrey urges his horse into a brisk trot and I must do the same to keep up. Sometimes it is easy to see the resemblance of the duke to his elder brother, King Henry V. They have the same contempt for the French, even when it is obvious they have met their match. I only saw Duke John of Bedford from a distance and never spoke to him, yet I can imagine the duke will stop at nothing to see Harry crowned in France, regardless of the cost.
    Late that evening I wait until we are alone in the duke’s well-appointed guest apartments and repeat every word he has said to Catherine. She listens with a mother’s concern for her son.
      ‘I don’t trust Duke Humphrey—or his brother John!’
    ‘Why not?’ The sudden hardness in Catherine’s tone surprises me. Her French accent has returned, as it does when she is annoyed.
    ‘Duke John of Bedford is the heir apparent. If anything were to happen to Harry...’ Her words tail off, as she contemplates the thought of her son being put in danger.
    I take her protectively into my arms. ‘I told you, the duke promised five thousand men to protect your son. You mustn’t worry, they will keep him safe.’
    ‘I still don’t want him to go. Does he have to be drawn into a fight... against my own brother?’
    ‘I am afraid it seems you have no

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