OV: The Original Vampire (Book #1)

OV: The Original Vampire (Book #1) by Erik Christian

Book: OV: The Original Vampire (Book #1) by Erik Christian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Christian
would lose most of our forest, and our Oxygen, if we kept going. And, some of those trees are a thousand years old. It’s hard to justify any of it, but then again, I had a family to feed.” He said.
    Vinnie jumped in, “Yeah, we still see a lot of logs coming out of here on logging trucks and its gotta stop.”
    “I don’t blame you for thinking that way. It’s been going on since 1880. I’m not exactly a happy camper about it, that’s why I’m here now. I feel a lot of peace here. These trees speak to me. They do something that’s indescribable.” Bernie said.
    “They do that for us too, Bernie.” Josie started to warm up.
    “I’ve heard of those tree huggers, and the ones who climb to the tops of trees so they can’t cut them down. Hell, just on the news the other day, two young men jumped in front of a logging truck. Their remains were flatter than pancakes in some spots.” Bernie said, as he cleared his throat. “I need some water, hold on.”
    “As I was saying, logging has to stop. It should have stopped in the Seventies, now I’m afraid it’s too late. What are you guys going to do about it, anything?” He asked.
    “Not a lot.” Vinnie said. “We want to stop it also, but we need a good angle to attack it.” Vinnie said, without revealing too much.
    “Well Hell.” Bernie squatted down, grabbed a stick and tapped the ground with it. “I know something you don’t.” Bernie said. Vinnie and Josie smiled at the old man’s tactful words.
    “There’s going to be a big haul soon.” Bernie spoke softly. “They’re going to take down a whole mountain’s worth, and I know when and where.” Bernie snickered.
    “No way.” Josie said.
    “When?” Vinnie leaned closer.
    “Now, now wait a minute. How do I know you’re not the Fuzz?” Bernie showed his teeth.
    “We wouldn’t be lying on the ground in the middle of nowhere if we were.” Josie said. “Besides, there’s no doughnut shop up here.” They all laughed.
    “Okay, alri ght. It’s happening in two days, at mile marker 28. Dirt road goes up the mountain about 6 miles. From there, you’ll see the excavators. It’s a big operation, so they’ll have at least one security guard on watch.” He said.
    “Sounds good.” Vinnie said.
    “Okay well, I’ll let you kids be. I have a long walk ahead.”
    “See you Bernie, and thanks.” Josie gave a wave, as Bernie’s flashlight beam bounced away and disappeared into the night.
    Josie and Vinnie lied back down and watched the stars.
    “That girl at the wreck, she had something.” Josie said.
    “What do you mean?”
    “There was a certain humbleness in her eyes, like she had been manipulated by men, like me.”
    “How can you tell?” Vinnie asked.
    “The eyes look sad, but they smile at an instant, to feel acceptance or to please someone.”
    “So, there are lots of types of people, those who hurt others, those who hurt, and those who help the hurt.” Vinnie said.
    “It doesn’t matter. It’s more than your three, very general categories. It’s a deep vibration that runs through humanity, every action there’s a reaction, and what we feel and do in this world is felt a million different ways.
    “Remember that experiment the Behavioral Scientists did with water?” Josie asked.
    Vinnie shook his head.
    “When someone acted angry around a water drop, the scientists looked at it under a microscope. The water had jagged lines, almost like broken glass. But, when the experimenters spoke loving words around the water drops, and looked under the microscope, the water drops were smooth. This happens in all of nature.” She said.
    “So, this girl is what kind of water drop?”
    “She’s a hundred pounds of water, and a million feelings.”
    “So you can relate to her water?”
    “Yes, I can!” Josie yelled.
    “Do you want to go back under?” Vinnie asked.
    “Yes, I do!” Josie yelled again.
    They closed their eyes. Lights danced on their eyelids, as Josie rode

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