OV: The Original Vampire (Book #1)

OV: The Original Vampire (Book #1) by Erik Christian Page A

Book: OV: The Original Vampire (Book #1) by Erik Christian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Christian
the pixels, like a rollercoaster deep into her subconscious. She was determined to find that girl at the wreck.
    Looking through the last ten years of memories, she found a girl that was at the annual carnival in Forks. The girl was with two guys, her hair was blue, she had on thick eyeliner, and two metal hooks stuck out of her bottom lip. She was wasted. Josie worked at a food cart, grilling onions and hotdogs, when the girl stepped up to order. The two guys held her up, as she ordered.
    “How can I help you?” Josie asked.
    “I’m in a dilemma. They both want me.” She pointed to the guys who held her up, “But, I want pussy.” She laughed, as one of the guys pinched her nipple.
    “Fuck off, Tony!” She smiled wryly.
    “Uh, would you like to order something?” Josie asked.
    “ Yesss, I would. Besides you, I want a juicy cheese steak sandwich.” The girl slurred.
    “Um, we don’t have cheesesteak. We have hotdogs and hamburgers.” Josie said curtly.
    “Beef is beef, baby. Do you want a baby? I don’t. Men leave their seed all over the place. Fuck that. Give me something smooth and sweet, like pussy meat.” The girl laughed, while the two guys held her up.
    Josie was strangely enthralled by the girl’s belligerent, fuck-the-world attitude and began testing her. She was bored at work anyways and thought it would be entertaining.
    “So, no hotdogs for you?” Josie asked, holding her hands up like a New Yorker.
    “Oh no, hotdogs are pork, and pig is a cop.” The drunk girl laughed, as her head tilted almost to her back.
    “What about a burger?” Josie tested.
    “Ground Beef is all cut up and shit. Give me a ribeye and some GlenLevit, and a clove cigarette and some Tom Waits.” The girl’s voice grew soft. Then, she mouthed the words so no one could hear: Let’s Fuck.
    Josie sucked on her bottom lip for a second, before mouthing: Okay.
    Their eyes stayed locked until the guys pulled her away, obviously bored with the conversation. Later that night, Josie was cleaning up. She was cleaning the grill by scrubbing it with a porous cleaning brick. She pushed the brick back and forth. The grill was still hot and splashed her with hot grease. Little white blisters formed on her forearm. The heat of the grill made her sweat, as the beads dripped down her forehead and under her t-shirt.
    She was mad that she had burnt herself and pushed hard on the grill brick. The brick slid out from under her hands, as her hands fell onto the hot grill. She screamed, kicked the door on the refrigerator, and got a bag of ice to put on her hands. She stood there and cried, until she felt two hands gently hold her from behind.
    She turned around and saw the drunk girl. The drunk girl wasn’t drunk anymore, but maybe on psychedelics. Her pupils were solid black, and she seemed alert and curious about Josie’s features. Josie lowered her head and became shy, which normally didn’t happen.
    “What’s your name anyways?” Josie laughed nervously, as the girl flitted her fingers under Josie’s shirt, tickling her nipples with her fingertips until they were hard.
    “ Mezrolly.” She said, as she leaned in and licked the sweat off Josie’s neck. Josie became silent prey, as Mezrolly led her to the little bathroom.
    “I don’t know.” Josie said as she momentarily held onto the towel rack, before being pulled into the bathroom. The carnival was closed now as only their breathing was heard in the trailer.
    “It’s okay. I’ll take care of you like no one has.” Mezrolly said, as she knelt before Josie and looked up at her, like she was praying to a divine. Mezrolly slowly closed her eyes, as she breathed in Josie’s scent. “That’s gonna drive me wild.” She said.
    “What?” Josie asked, as she came out of a trance.
    “Your caramel and watermelon scent. I can smell no cock on you at all. It’s perfect.” She smiled up at Josie, like a newly converted worshipper. “It’s like two little rose petals.”

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