Out of Nowhere
went inside anyway.  Jason was sitting at his desk with his back to her looking out of the window. Vicky closed the door behind her and took a deep breath. She knew that he knew she was there. “Jason, I’m sorry.” she started to chew on the bottom of her lip and ring her hands together.  He didn’t move “…I guess it’s my turn to explain.  Jason, everyone that I’ve ever loved has hurt me and abandoned me in some way.  I guess I’m afraid at some point you’re going to realize I’m not worth it and leave me too.” Finally, Jason turned his chair around to face her “Come here” Vicky slowly walked over to him.  He reached out and pulled her down into his lap then caressed her face “I’m not going anywhere.  In case you haven’t figured it out yet I love you too.  If it takes me a couple of lifetimes to convince you then I’m prepared to do just that. I love this house but if you’re not comfortable here..we can start looking for a new home.  Whatever it is you need to feel comfortable, I’ll do it.   I should have told you about Bridget.  I didn’t because it’s over”.  Vicky put her arms around his neck and kissed him hoping he could feel all the love she had in her heart for him.  Just like that he forgave her.  Vicky didn’t care if they stayed like this forever.  Jason’s cell phone started to ring.  He was going to ignore it but it kept ringing.  Finally, Vicky broke the kiss “It’s obvious someone really needs to talk to you”.  All Jason wanted to do was show Vicky how much he loved her without any interruptions.  He reluctantly took the call.  While Jason was in conversation, Vicky turned around in his arms and looked at his computer monitor.  For a moment, Vicky’s heart skipped a beat.  Right there on the computer were beautiful bedroom sets.  He took her words to heart.  Jason was shopping for new bedroom furniture. “I don’t know mom..I haven’t asked her yet. Today might not be such a good day. No, I haven’t taken her to the club yet…”.  Vicky heard her name and that caught her attention. She mouthed the words ‘what?’ “Hold on mom let me ask her” Jason put the phone to his chest “My mom & dad wanted to come over for dinner but would like to meet at the club instead around five tonight.  I’d love for them to meet you”. Vicky’s eyes widened and Jason rushed on “..but only when you’re ready”.  Jason had been so patient that she didn’t want to disappoint him in any way “that would be fine I guess”. The smile he gave her made everything worth it.  He kissed her again before telling his parents dinner was a go. After he hung up the phone, the two of them just sat there for a few minutes with his arms wrapped around her waist.  He loved to breathe in the scent of her. That was when he realized for the first time since they arrived at his home they were alone.  “Vicky where is Angel?” Jason’s khaki’s were getting pretty tight. He nuzzled her neck, Vicky sighed, “She’s out playing with Fred”.  Jason felt so good. He nuzzled her neck some more “Mmmm..do you think I’ve got a little time to play…with you? God, Vicky I want to make love to you so badly”. Reluctantly, Vicky pulled away from Jason and stood up. “I want you too but I’ve only got two hours to get Angel and me ready to meet your parents.  I’ve got to clean her up, do her hair, and do my hair. I have no idea what to wear. And Jason….I hope they like me”.

Chapter 20
    Jason, Vicky, & Angel arrived at the club about fifteen minutes early.  Jason recognized a couple of people on their way to be seated at his usual table.  His parent’s hadn’t arrived yet.  Angel sat playing with the frills on her dress “J’son..J’son..look at pretty dress”.  She was so proud of her dress and looked beautiful wearing it.  Jason didn’t think you could tame Angel’s curls even if you tried.  Vicky just put a pink bow headband in her

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