Out of Nowhere

Out of Nowhere by LaShawn Vasser Page B

Book: Out of Nowhere by LaShawn Vasser Read Free Book Online
Authors: LaShawn Vasser
Tags: Interracial, Interracial - BW/WM
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pass for Jason’s daughter. After everyone was seated and had placed their orders Miriam asked Vicky & Jason how they met. Jason held and squeezed Vicky’s hand to reassure her “It’s really a funny story actually.  We met the day of the budget meeting in the elevators.”  Lilly interrupted, “So, Victoria Martin is it? What do you do for CkR International?” Vicky was taking a sip of her drink and stopped mid-air. She cleared her throat “I work in the Customer Service department I’ve been there for a little more than a year”.   John steepled his hands together “Which VP do you report to?” Vicky looked down at her plate. She shouldn’t be embarrassed about her job but she was very embarrassed.  It was obvious that everyone at the table had a higher education and were people of means.  Vicky took a deep breath and looked Mr. Rutherford into his eyes before answering “I don’t report to a VP Mr. Rutherford.  I am a customer service representative”.  John always came across so hard even though he was an old softy.  However, Miriam needed to step in as she could see Vicky was getting uncomfortable which meant Jason would soon follow. “I admire a career woman. However, I never worked.  It must be tough working and taking care of Angel” Vicky nodded in agreement.  “Vicky is an incredible mother and a great employee.  I’d hate to lose her but I do hope I can convince her to maybe give it all up and move here with me to Atlanta”.  They made eye contact.  Jason supported and encouraged her with his eyes.  Vicky felt she could be strong with Jason by her side.  Miriam noticed the exchange between the two. “I’m sure your parents would really be upset if you moved all the way from Minnesota to Atlanta.  However, I have to admit the weather is much better here”.  Vicky chose not to tell Miriam that she was basically an orphan. She didn’t want people to feel sorry for her.  But, if Jason asked her she would never go back to Minnesota.  While everyone chatted during dinner Vicky noticed that Jason’s father never said another word.  Throughout dinner Jason helped to feed Angel.  Then, he reached over to hand Angel her sippy cup.  Miriam could see that Jason was really in love.  She also tried to make up for her husband’s silence.  Vicky had resorted to one word answers herself.  Vicky couldn’t wait for dinner to be over.  This was a disaster.  At the end of dinner John needed a cigar. “Jason why don’t you, Ed and I go on to the terrace for a cigar and let the ladies talk”. Jason looked over to Vicky to see if she’d be alright without him “You’ll be ok?” She nodded, “I’ll be fine please go with your dad”.  Jason bent over and kissed her “We’ll be right back”. Ed rolled his eyes “oh come on Jason.  She’ll be here when we get back and we’ll only be gone a minute”.  The men walked away to the club terrace.  Lilly announced she needed to make a trip to the ladies room.  Once they were alone Miriam thought maybe she could get Vicky to open up a little more.  “Angel is a beautiful child.  How old is she again?” Vicky smiled “She is three.” “Would you and Jason like to have more children together?” Vicky’s smile faltered “Do you think….Jason is not…Angel is not Jason’s daughter.” “Oh honey I know that.  If she were, wild horses wouldn’t have been able to keep Jason away from her.  But, it’s obvious Angel has charmed him too.  Can I be perfectly honest with you?” Vicky nodded. “Today was the first time that Jason has mentioned you to us. And he’s never mentioned your beautiful daughter.  So, if it seems like we’re asking a lot of questions it’s because we’re very curious about the woman who seems to have captured our son’s heart.  Vicky we are not bad people and John is not a bad guy but we’ve had to be cautious over the years.  John is just very protective of Jason.  However, Jason

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