Out of My Element
    “Hey,” I reached down and held her
hand. “You're worth fighting for. And if that means I have to break somebody's
face, then so be it.”
    I could almost feel the change in
the atmosphere. Chelsea looked up at me, and my heart rate increased. She was
so beautiful, with her red hair hanging down her back. Her flawless skin begged
to be touched, and her plump pink lips certainly begged to be kissed.
    “Chelsea, can I try something?” I
whispered as I leaned into her. She didn’t back away, so I took that as a good
sign. I watched her eyes, almost begging her to say yes. She nodded slightly,
but it was enough.
    I reached up and grazed my finger
down her cheek and slid my hand behind her neck. Without taking my eyes off of
her, I leaned toward her until my lips brushed softly against hers. That
light—almost nothing—kiss was better than any kiss I’d ever had before. I
continued to watch her, waiting for her to tell me to stop, but it never
happened. I leaned in again, pressing my lips harder against hers, dragging my
tongue lightly against the seam of her lips, begging for entrance. She moaned
and I lost all control, pressing myself into her, claiming her mouth.
Carefully, I lowered her to her back, leaning over her as I lost myself in our
intoxicating kiss. Our tongues danced and curled in a moment so intense that I
actually shuddered. This kiss was so much more than I’d ever expected, and the
realization of what we were doing hit me like a ton of bricks. I pulled back,
watching her chest rise and fall. Her lips were swollen, pink and beautiful.
    “Shit, Chelsea,” I gasped. “What
are we doing?” Chelsea brought out emotions in me that I had never known. I
didn’t know what I was doing. I was in completely uncharted territory.
    “Why did you stop, Nick?” She sat
up, dragging her hand over her hair.
    I stood up and paced, stopping in
front of the window. “I’m so fucking confused,” I mumbled more to myself than
anyone else. I could hear Chelsea moving around behind me, but I couldn’t bring
myself to turn around—not until I heard the front door close, and she was gone.

Chapter 19
    “I’m at a loss.” I shook my head
and looked around the small bar, watching people talking and having fun around
us. Ava and Talia sat across from me, faces covered in sympathy.
    “Did he say anything after he
kissed you?” Ava questioned.
    “Um yeah,” I scoffed. “He said
‘Shit, Chelsea, what are we doing?’ ”
    Talia sighed, “Guys have no idea
how long the stupid shit they say sticks in a woman's mind.” She paused and
looked from Ava back to me. “I know you won’t believe what I’m about to say,
but I think we need to cut him some slack.” She took a drink as Ava and I
stared at her.
    “What?” Ava touched Talia’s
forehead. “I know you are the nurse, so you would know better, but I’m pretty
sure you are sick.”
    She laughed and swatted Ava’s hand
away. “No, I’m serious. Tom told me about the fight at the game, and he didn’t
go into detail about what happened at the bar, but from what I gathered … Nick
is pretty invested in you.” Talia shrugged. “Granted, the man is seriously
lacking proper social skills normally, but I think he’s totally out of his
element with you. For as long as I’ve known Nick, he has never been interested
in a woman beyond his one night of fun.” I grimaced, but Talia held her hand up
to stop me as she continued, “He is different with you. I mean, really different.”
    “I don’t know,” I sighed. “Things
have been uncomfortable for the last few days, but today … today things felt so
right.” I thought back to the kiss we shared earlier. It was different than the
first one we shared at Ava and Trevor’s wedding, but it was just as good, if
not better. Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I was pretty invested in him,
    My phone buzzed from in my purse,
and my gut told me it was Nick. I was

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