One Foot in the Grave: An Almost Zombie Tale

One Foot in the Grave: An Almost Zombie Tale by Shanti Krishnamurty Page B

Book: One Foot in the Grave: An Almost Zombie Tale by Shanti Krishnamurty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shanti Krishnamurty
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hands in hers.
    “Nacelles knows what he’s doing,” the vampire says. “Just close your eyes and empty your mind. It’ll be over soon.”
    I try to do what she wants, but I keep hearing Nacelles fidgeting around and at one point some sort of liquid is sprinkled over me. It’s not congealing, so I assume it’s not blood, but I crack open my eyes a sliver just to make sure.
    The lich stands in front of me, his skeletal hands stretching out like he’s attempting to bless me, Pope style. He’s muttering to himself, and from the snatches I hear, it ain’t pretty.
    “It’s not working… it should be. I don’t understand why…” His voice is quiet, but audible.
    Ink whispers. “What’s wrong, Nacelles?”
    “I’m pouring Blair’s energy into her, but it keeps seeping out again.”
    Awesome. I’m a sieve. Lucky me.
    “Ink, I want to try something,” Nacelles says. “Blair, you can go.”
    The tingling in my arms vanishes. I open my eyes and pull my hands away from Ink’s. “What’s going on? Did the spell work?”
    The lich shakes his head. “Not exactly.” I must look confused, because he continues without my asking. “The spell itself worked; exactly the way it’s supposed to. It just didn’t work on you.”
    I want to cry, but I have no tears. “So I’m unfixable.”
    “You’re more of a challenge than I first thought,” he says. “But I wouldn’t say you’re unfixable. I want to try the spell again, but this time using Ink’s energy.”
    “Do I have to close my eyes again, or can I watch what you’re doing?”
    Nacelles shrugs. “I don’t suppose it matters. If the spell will work, it’ll work regardless.”
    “What was the point in shutting my eyes anyway?” I roll my neck and hear joints pop in release. Or protest.
    “Not everyone I’ve come in contact with is comfortable with magic, and humans less so than others. I thought you’d appreciate not knowing what was happening.”
    “Look,” I say, “I didn’t even know magic was real until recently, but I’ve read about it my whole life. I definitely want to know what’s going on.”
    “All right, I’ll be sure to keep you informed.” He raises one stiff eyebrow. I almost expect the dry skin to crack, but it doesn’t. “Would you like a play-by-play, or just a summary of what I’m doing?”
    Ink laughs. “Leave her alone, Nacelles. Let’s get this over with. I’m getting hungry.”
    “Ink, take her hands again, and be sure to relax, please.” His voice is particularly insistent. I wonder if that’s because she’s a vampire. Aren’t they supposed to be super-fast as well as strong?
    “What do I have to do?” My voice squeaks.
    “Not a thing,” the lich reassures me. “Just be still and try to keep your mind empty. It’ll make my job easier if I don’t have to sift through your thoughts while casting.”
    “Wait, you’re going to probe my brain?” This isn’t sounding like such a hot idea, after all. I know nothing like that happened when Blair was helping, but maybe things work differently with Ink, since she’s not a ghost.
    It’s Nacelles’ turn to laugh. “Nothing so melodramatic,” he says. “Now, let’s begin.”
    Ink nods and I take her hands in mine, watching the lich in front of us.
    Nacelles bows his almost skeletal head and holds his hands out as before. A deep green mist, almost forest in color, begins to appear. From where, I have no idea. It’s like it’s just seeping up from the flooring. It takes all my will power not to curl my feet underneath me, away from the tendrils reaching out for my ankles.
    “Stay calm, Isis,” Nacelles whispers. “It won’t hurt you.”
    “What is it?” My voice is low, even to me.
    “Shhh,” Ink reminds me I’m not supposed to move at all and I subside. I don’t know what the lich is doing, or why I trust him, but I hope he can stop me from decomposing. I’m tired of losing body parts.
    “Thrice curl, thrice entwine, thrice be

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