Nuklear Age
that now towered twenty feet high. Each of its eight legs was thicker than Nuklear Man's chest. Its bristly and greasy hairs glistened in the fluorescent lighting. Its huge fangs dripped with what Nuklear Man would have assumed to be poison if it weren’t collected in sizzling pools of green goo on the floor.
    It examined the golden morsel before it with a thousand interested eyes.
    “Um, shoo?” Nuklear Man swat one of the nearest legs with Atomik Lad’s slipper. The Sinister Spider growled something that resembled the word “Food” far too much for Nuklear Man’s comfort. It smacked the slipper from his grasp with one giant leg. Another enormous leg slammed the door behind Nuklear Man. The spider paused long enough for Nuklear Man to take in the horror of what was going to happen to him. The Beast clicked its massive fangs together and darkness assaulted the Hero of heroes.

    Atomik Lad was staring out the window in a desperate attempt to keep himself awake despite Mr. Minkie’s attempts at teaching Physics. He watched the angular lines the cityscape carved into the sky. It intrigued him. He rarely had an opportunity to appreciate the city from this angle. It was usually rushing past him, or relegated to meaningless background information in the middle of some life or death struggle. But now, now he could sit back and just watch. There were the soft clouds, the gentle breeze that urged them on, the golden blaze that shot through it all with madly flailing arms.
    He sighed and looked back at the chalkboard covered in arcane symbols. At least Nuke’ll be busy , he thought.
    The Cap’n Salty fishing boat chugged from its dock out to sea from the Metroville Harbor. The captain, a man who best looked of all the men of the Earth to be called “Cap’n Salty” but probably wasn’t because of the stringent U.S. trademark laws, stood on the bow of his old ship with his first mate beside him. They stood in that silent awe of the sea that comes with becoming so intimately familiar with it.
    “Nothing more calm than a morning on the ocean,” the captain remarked.
    “I've got a feelin’ about this day, I do.”
    “I can't think of a single thing that could possibly go wrong.”
    “EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!” The cry rang out like a siren. A golden blur shot like a bullet from the barren wastes of Irradiated Flats straight to the harbor. It impacted the sea and a great pillar of water exploded out of the sparkling waves. A torpedo rose and broke the surface. It cut through the water and sent a great rooster tail into the air with wafting mist and bubbling flotsam in its wake. “ARGH! GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!” it screamed.
    The Cap’n Salty boat bobbed in the waves as the water dervish ran through a wide circle in the harbor.
    “This is gonna scare off the fish,” the captain surmised at some length.
    The first mate wiped the fresh sea-mist from his face. “Yep.”
    Class ended after fifty minute-long eternities. Atomik Lad tried to find Rachel in the seething ocean of humanity as it flooded out the classroom, but to no avail. He strolled through the campus’s symmetrical lawn arrangements with sidewalks sliced through them like veins pumping so much young blood to vital building-organs. “Yo, Atomik Lad!” Mighty Metallic Magno Man’s voice was deep, like a resonating grand royal gong.
    “Hey Norman,” Atomik Lad trotted up to MMMM. He usually wore blue jeans, sunglasses, and a white tank top to contrast with his dark skin while showing off enough of the “Norminator” that he didn’t feel the need to try to impress passersby with his physique. They were plenty impressed all on their own. And today was no exception.
    Atomik Lad stood a full foot shorter than Norman, who was even taller and more

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