Freeing A Lion: BBW Paranormal Lion Shape Shifter Romance (Sleeping Lions - Shifters Prime Book 2)

Freeing A Lion: BBW Paranormal Lion Shape Shifter Romance (Sleeping Lions - Shifters Prime Book 2) by Harmony Raines

Book: Freeing A Lion: BBW Paranormal Lion Shape Shifter Romance (Sleeping Lions - Shifters Prime Book 2) by Harmony Raines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harmony Raines
Tags: General Fiction
will.” He kissed her lips, and then added, “That’s if you can gain control of those big paws of yours,” he said, and ran off before she could hit him.
    “Come on, Lea, let’s go get him.” Lottie shifted into her lioness. Lea did the same, a young adolescent lioness, all long limbs and skinny, running across the grass, and Lottie could see by the expression on her face that she was laughing inside. With a roar, she increased her pace, and in front of them Daniel shifted, and their journey began.
    “I never thought my feet would hurt,” Lottie was saying, rubbing the soles of her feet. “My hands are red too.”
    “That’s because it’s transferred over,” Daniel said, handing her a cold towel to press on them. “It’s the same as if you were shot, or injured as your other side, you would carry the wound.”
    “It doesn’t magically heal, then?” Lottie asked hopefully.
    “Sorry,” he said. “But you’ll soon toughen up.”
    “I’m slowing you down,” she said, resting back against the tree trunk, trying to ease her aching muscles.
    “I didn’t know there was a rush,” Daniel said, putting some more wood on the fire.
    “You look right at home,” Lottie said. “Out in the wilds like this.”
    “Nora used to take me camping all the time. She used to like going into the middle of nowhere so we could shift.”
    “I bet mommy was a beautiful lioness,” Lea said, stirring the stew that was cooking on the open fire.
    “I bet she was.” Daniel said.
    “I wish I could remember her,” Lea said sadly.
    “Maybe when we get to the pride lands there might be pictures of her. You know, she was best friends with my mom. That’s why she kept me safe.”
    “Do you think so?” Lea asked looking happier.
    “I think so,” Daniel said.
    “Then I can’t wait to get there,” Lea said.
    “Is that a hint,” Lottie said lightly, shifting her weight and scuttling forward to help Lea with the dinner.
    “No. If your feet hurt, it doesn’t matter,” Lea said.
    “Thanks, Lea.” Lottie put her arm around the girl and gave her a quick hug. She had been trying to show her affection, trying to get used to having a child to take care of. Having been on her own for the last couple of years since her parent’s death she realised she had got out of practice at showing her true feelings. It was easy to let her barriers down with Daniel, but Lea had been a challenge. One she now felt she was winning.
    “Is it ready?” Lea asked, stirring the stew and then lifting the spoon for Lottie to have a look.
    “I think so. Blow on it and then taste it and let me know what you think.”
    “Mmmm. It’s ready,” Lea said, pleased with herself.
    Working together they dished up dinner, poured drinks, and made themselves comfortable around the camp fire. The night slowly drew in, darkness enveloping them. It was comforting, the soft rustle of the leaves in the trees lulling them to sleep. Or maybe it was all the fresh air and the amount of miles they had covered in the last three days.
    “Come on, let’s get some sleep,” Daniel said when they had eaten and tidied everything away. “Early start tomorrow. I think it will only be a day or two and we’ll be there.”
    “That sounds like a good idea. And tomorrow if we come across a stream, I plan to soak my poor feet in it.” Lottie lay down, pulling the blankets up over Lea, who was sandwiched safely between Lottie and Daniel.
    She had never camped as a girl, but she was quickly getting used to sleeping wherever she had to. Lumpy ground and bugs were forgotten in her exhaustion.
    “Good night,” Daniel said, reaching over and kissing her, and then kissing Lea too. “Night, Lea.”
    “Night, Daniel,” Lea said, and was already almost asleep.
    For several moments Lottie lay awake going over the past few days, as she found herself doing every night since she had come to the Prime, mostly because she kept trying to figure out if it was all a dream.

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