My Salvation
mess with them once they landed. Owen knew
he would be dragging at work on Tuesday, but the trip was all worth
it. The time he spent with Cali, just thinking about it made his
cock twitch.
    Once the plane came to a stop, Owen stood and
stretched. He was the last one off and thanked the pilot for his
help flying to and from Hawaii. He got a free vacation out of it
too. Owen put the pilot up at a local hotel since it was such a
short time they were gone.
    They descended the plane steps and went to
Owen’s truck. Cali hugged Steven and Adeline goodbye. Owen shook
Steven’s hand and gave his wife a kiss on the cheek. He adored her
and was happy to have them both on the trip.
    He told Steven to take Tuesday off and he’d see
him mid-week. The drive to the cabin felt like it took forever
since he was beat. All he wanted was to go inside, strip and curl
around Cali in bed.
    Pulling into the drive between the cabins, Owen
shut the truck off and strode to the passenger side. He helped Cali
out and grabbed the bags from the bed. Walking to her front porch,
she stopped dead in her tracks and he almost ran smack into
    “Why did you stop?”
    She said nothing so he walked in front of her to
look at her face. Her jaw was hanging open and she pointed toward
the Jeep. Then she moved her hand and pointed at the front door to
her cabin. Owen turned and noticed all four of the Jeep’s tires had
been slashed and her cabin’s porch light illuminated a big red X
spray painted on the front door.
    “What the fuck? Cali, get back in the
    “Owen, I want to go,” she said, but was
    “No! I don’t know if it’s safe. Now,
    His blood was pumping and he was pissed. Pulling
out his cell phone he dialed Steven. He asked to him to get over to
the cabin immediately. Owen hung up and dialed the police next.
    Owen jumped into the truck to wait for the
police. He didn’t want to disturb anything in case there might be
evidence, plus he didn’t know if someone was still inside. Looking
over at Cali he could tell she was becoming mad.
    “Who would vandalize my property? I’ve never
done anything to anyone.”
    “I don’t know, but we’ll get to the bottom of
    Within a few minutes, the police arrived and
took statements from both of them. Since they had been out of town
the statements were short. Both were asked if they had any enemies
or any idea who would do that. The answer was no. After the
questioning was finished and the cabin was thoroughly checked, the
police told them even though the door was shut, someone did enter
the cabin and ripped it apart.
    They were told dishes and glassed were broken,
pieces were scattered all over the kitchen. The couch had been
sliced open, the bedrooms were ripped apart with clothes strewn
about in the one room. The police said someone really did a number
inside. They weren’t sure if the suspect was someone looking for
something or just went in to trash the place.
    The police did allow Cali to go inside, only
briefly, and with an escort. She started to cry when she saw the
destruction and Owen’s jaw hit the floor. He told her they would go
to his other house and she was going to stay with him.
    He had a high fence, security system and Steven
lived on the property as well. Owen had the house built and made
sure a separate residence was constructed to house his security. At
the cabin they were out in the open and more vulnerable.
    Back outside, Owen took her over to the truck so
she could rest. He told the police he had cameras all around the
cabin next door and would review the footage. The police said that
would be helpful and asked him to give them the footage as soon as
    Owen had the place wired to transmit to his main
home therefore nothing was stored at the cabin. He never mentioned
the cameras to Cali, it slipped his mind until the moment with the
police. He had been so engulfed in her he didn’t think to say
anything. He did it as a security

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