My Salvation
measure. Every one of his
properties were outfitted with top of the line surveillance. As
soon as he got a good look at who the suspect was, he would tell
    He glanced over to her and could see the tears
streaming down her face. He went to her and wrapped her in a tight
embrace. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out,” he said and kissed
the top of her head.
    She nodded. “What about my Jeep, my clothes,
everything that was destroyed inside?”
    “Steven should arrive any minute. I’m going to
ask him to call a tow truck and your Jeep will be fixed. He will
also secure the cabin and we will make sure everything gets
replaced. I’ll have someone come in to clean and we can come back
out here over the weekend to take a look and grab all of your
belongings. Then we’ll lock both cabins up for the season.”
    Her grip on him tightened as she whispered,
“Thank you. Thank you, for taking care of me and all of this.”
    “Of course, Caliana.”
    Just then Steven pulled in. He drove a black,
tinted, fully armored Cadillac Escalade. You couldn’t tell from the
outside, but the SUV could take a beating and would keep on going.
The Caddy looked like every other one on the road. It was one of
the vehicles he had at the house. Owen knew when he called Steven
that he would drive it. The SUV was the safest vehicle he
    Steven walked over to him and Owen gave a quick
rundown of the situation. Steven would stay until Cali’s Jeep was
taken to be fixed, the cabin was secure and would then drive Owen’s
pick-up to the main house.
    Owen asked Cali to hand her keys to Steven and
instructed him to do a sweep of both cabins once the police were
finished. They had been interviewed and were free to go. He knew no
one had been inside of his place since the alarm wasn’t tripped,
but he wanted to be sure. They both thanked Steven for his help and
climbed into the Escalade.
    As they pulled out of the drive, she asked, “Why
are the windows funny looking?”
    “The windows are bulletproof as is the rest of
the vehicle.”
    Her eyes bugged a little. “Why do you need a
bulletproof vehicle?”
    “You can never be too safe, beautiful. And when
you are worth a lot of money, people take notice. I have the Caddy
for the same reason I have Steven on my team. And with you, I won’t
take any chances.”
    She nodded and he reached over to take her hand
in his. Cali sniffled and he could tell she was fighting to keep
from crying.
    The rest of the drive they remained silent. Owen
kept tossing ideas in his head trying to figure out who would have
done something to her. It could have been a robbery, but something
in his gut was telling him it wasn’t.
    Finally they approached the front gate to his
house. He punched in the code causing the gates to slide open. He
was tired and just needed sleep. He’d text Steven to review the
video footage tomorrow while at work.
No day off for him after
he thought.
    Winding up the driveway, he hit the button on
the visor to open the garage door. He glanced over to Cali and
kissed the smooth back of her hand.
    “Everything’s going to be fine.”
    “Easy for you to say. You weren’t the one who
had their tires slashed and entire cabin trashed.”
    “No, it wasn’t me, but what hurts you hurts me.
I don’t like to see you upset and I will do everything in my power
to figure out who is behind this. Now, let’s go inside and get some
    They both stepped out of the Escalade and into
the house. Entering into a small hallway with a utility closet on
one side and the stairs leading to the second floor, he put the
bags on the floor and led the way to the kitchen. He was surprised
to see Adeline waiting for them.
    “Hi you two. Would you like something to drink
before bed? Maybe some hot chocolate to help you relax? I’ll even
put a little something extra in it,” she said with a wink.
    “Sure, Adeline, thank you. You didn’t have to
come over to do this,” Owen said.
    “Nonsense. I

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