No Good Deed

No Good Deed by Jerry Jackson

Book: No Good Deed by Jerry Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry Jackson
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hear Obidaan.
    “Need us to check anything out?” Don whispered back to her. Those close to him could hear his whisper but Obidaan could not.
    “Not yet,” she whispered back, “I think it’s a couple creatures hunting; could be ogres, trogs, or trolls.” She looked over to her left. The others followed her eyes but could see nothing. Without a second though, Terry pulled out her bow, put it together, notched an arrow and fired, all as a single smooth motion.
    A resounding “thunk” could be heard followed by a scream and obvious running.
    “Did you hit one?” Relina whispered.
    “If I did it right,” she whispered back to the group, “I should have some hair pinned to the tree. Wait here,” she whispered and was off of her horse. They watched her walk into the woods. Once she hit the trees, she disappeared. A few seconds later the report came back, “Yep, ogres. They’ll hunt for dinner somewhere else.”
    Thirty seconds passed and no one heard from her. “Where are you?” Obidaan whispered. No reply.
    A bit louder, Alister said, “Where are you, Terry?”
    “I’m right here,” She said in a normal voice. She was on the opposite side of the cart from where she entered the woods and was standing right next to Alister. “There’s no need to shout,” she said with a devious grin.
    Everyone was surprised except Don. Everyone else jumped with a start. Don, trying to be coy about everything started talking, “Well, if you’re done with your fun . . .” He looked over to where he thought she was, but she was gone. This time, even Don was flustered.
    “What are you waiting for?” Terry was back on her horse already, but no one saw how she got there. “Gotta keep the skills sharp ya know,” She whispered back. They all laughed and headed on.
    A few hours later Terry slowed down the group again. This time she was much more serious, “Looks like highwaymen,” she whispered to the group. “However, there are more than the two we see in front of us. Three are hiding to the right and four to the left. Relina, be ready with a blast when I ask for it.”
    Terry rode her horse casually up to them; they greeted her with a smile. There was a half—elf female, red hair and yellow eyes, and a grizzly dwarf with a long brown beard and indigo eyes. “Greeting, good people,” Terry said approaching them, “how do you fair this fine day?”
    “Quite well, milady,” the dwarf said, “and you?”
    “We too, are doing quite well. Thank you for asking. Are you in need of anything? Is there anything we can help you with?”
    “No, thank you dear lady,” the half—elf said, “on the contrary, it is we who offer to assist you.”
    “We require no assistance but thank you for the thought. Since it seems neither side is in need of assistance, we shall be on our way and I bid you safe journey on yours.”
    “Ah, no, you misunderstand me,” the half—elf spoke again, “we are here to assist you and we cannot leave until we have done so. It would not be very sporting on our part. And it would make us feel bad knowing someone has come by and we could not assist them.”
    “Again, I tell you, no assistance is required but I do like your persistence. Perhaps I can offer you a silver piece for your trouble?” Terry pulled a coin from her pocket and offered it to them.
    “That is not necessary. You see, we are here to assist, and assist we shall,” her tone got a bit more menacing.
    “And how may you assist me when none is required?” Terry was prepared and put the coin back in her pocket.
    “We see you have a heavy load. Surely, it is a drain on yourself and your horses to carry such a burden. Leave one of those chests with us and you may be on your way. Then we will have assisted you by lightening your load. Surely, you can see such a thing is best for your animals.”
    Terry began to laugh, “Get ready,” she said through her laugh. “I get it now. You wish to assist me by robbing me.”
    “We like to

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