No Good Deed

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Book: No Good Deed by Jerry Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry Jackson
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think of it as unburdening you of your excess,” The dwarf jumped in, “Clearly you do not need all four. We merely ask for one and leave you with three. Surely you can see the fairness of this.”
    “No, I cannot.”
    “Then perhaps we should unburden you of all the chests,” the dwarf’s mood was no longer cordial, as he produced a 2—handed morningstar from his back and was now leaning on it. “We can do this easy or rough, your choice.”
    “Before I decide,” Terry said, “there is something you should see.”
    “Yes, watch,” then she whispered, “now.”
    At that, Relina let loose a fireball to the left side of the forest. Three figures came screaming out, putting out flames on themselves. It was two dwarves and an elf; the elf, a female, collapsed. The dwarves, both male, began putting dirt on her to extinguish the flames. Terry, without even looking back, shot off a water burst spell, which extinguished all the flames in the area, including the people.
    Obidaan saw they had them outmatched and decided to make his presence know. Slowly he made his way forward to the front of the caravan
    “Want the right side up in flames or do you want to surrender?” Terry said, noticing Obidaan coming along
    “What say we just call it even and we’ll go on our way and you be on yours?” the lady asked.
    “Can’t do that.” Obidaan said interjecting himself into the conversation.
    “And who might you be?” the dwarf asked.
    Obidaan was a bit put back that his status wasn’t recognized right way, “I’m Obidaan, Paladin of the Seers,” he replied.
    “No, seriously, who are you, some warrior with delusions of grandeur?”
    The only thing more disturbing to Obidaan than that crack was the fact that the dwarf was not trying to be deceptive; he truly did not believe Obidaan was a paladin.
    Obidaan hopped off his horse and put his chest in the dwarf’s face “Check the holy symbol!”
    “Ah, shit!” the dwarf said, stamping his feet in frustration, “Fine, you win, we surrender. I’d rather be judged by a paladin than fight one.” He dropped his morning star and put his hands over his head, “Come on out everyone, it’s over.”
    The four on the left came out, threw their weapons on the ground near the dwarf’s, and placed their hands over their head.”
    Now the half—elf stepped forward “I lead this group,” she started, “but may I ask a favor before we proceed.”
    “That depends, what is it?”
    “Can you heal the elf? She’s my half—sister and I’d like her to be awake for this.”
    “Granted. My dear, if you would do the honors.” Relina proceed to heal the elf, just enough so she was awake and able to stand on her own. “Now, that that is done, how do you plead?”
    “Excellent! That makes things easier. Now for judgment. Since no one was injured, no items stolen, and you plead guilty to the attempt, I will show leniency. While I am sure you have ‘relieved’ others of their ‘burdens’, I can only judge what has happened here. My judgment is as follows: you shall leave all of your items except normal clothes and shoes behind and then be on your way.”
    “I thought you said you couldn’t hold the past against us,” the dwarf argued.
    “Correct. However, I can hold the future. I do believe that if I left you with the means to rob again you would do so. So I shall assist you by relieving you of this burden,” a smile came across his face while the highwaymen merely groaned.
    “So, what are you going to do our stuff, keep it for yourself? Seems a conflict of interest to me,” the lady said while undressing.
    “I shall sell the items in the next town and donate the proceeds to worthy cause. I guess you can say you’ve assisted those in need today. Now off with you and know that if we catch you a second time, no mercy shall be shown.”
    With the conflict over they continued down the road. It remained quiet and over the next several hours

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