Mystic Embrace

Mystic Embrace by Charlotte Blackwell

Book: Mystic Embrace by Charlotte Blackwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Blackwell
parents both smile in agreement, and his father adds, “We completely agree. Both of our families have strong beliefs, and we believe it is important to incorporate these beliefs.”
    Matt begins to share, “Alexander and I were talking about the wedding. The Pierce family has offered us the use of their home and beautiful garden for the wedding. I thought it might be nice to have the ceremony in their garden. Possibly in the gazebo, because I know how much Ebony enjoys nature and the outdoors.”
    “ Matt, I must say your father and I have such pride that we have raised you to be such a gentleman. The fact that you want to be involved with planning this wedding, and that you have gone to the extent of coming up with options that would make a suitable choice.”Mrs. Barton glows with pride.
    I start to feel emotional and sappy inside. I’m the luckiest pregnant teenager in the world. That is probably one of the funniest things I’ve ever thought of. Seriously, a lucky pregnant teenager, things can’t possibly work out like this for most people in my situation. Yet my boyfriend didn’t leave me, his parents haven’t labeled me a Jezebel, and my family has not disowned me. In fact, it’s the complete opposite, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not scared, because I’m terrified. Still, can’t help but wonder how everyone at school is going to react. When they find out that I’m pregnant and Matt and I are getting married. I know the rumors will begin. I know that Mel will be the first one to start them. Mel is the head cheerleader and has been a thorn in my side for so long now. Although since our altercation last year, she has been a little more discreet. I’m guessing that she is scared I will use my Jedi mind tricks on her again. I had to laugh when I heard her compare my powers to Star Wars, but whatever. Matt starts to gently rub my back. I know he can sense the tension and just the slightest touch from him helps to calm me.
    “ Well, since there is not much time to plan for the wedding, I think we should contact the Pierce family about getting together and making arrangements. They have been so good to you kids and it is still hard for me to believe that they are so accepting of your supernatural abilities,” Mrs. Barton says, not knowing about the Pierce family secret. This is even the first time she mentioned anything about me being a witch. I know Matt is close to his family and he told me he explained about my family to them before. Since Matt is a guardian in training they are very aware of the supernatural, in particular witches.
    “ Yes we are lucky to have them. Many of the town’s people have suspected that our family are witches, and base their opinions strictly off their suspicions making them extremely judgmental of us. Whereas the Pierce family is aware and knows about our history, yet they do not judge us,” Eliza adds, knowing that the Barton’s are unaware that our close friends are vampires.
    “ Matt,” Calls Mrs. Barton, trying to get her sons attention, “Maybe you should give them a call, and see if they are available today to meet with us and begin arrangements.”
    “ I’m already texting Alexander, Mom.”
    When we arrive at the Pierce house, Matilda already has the entire family room set up as if it was a wedding planner’s office. I can’t help but giggle, she is such a party planning freak, but she is great at it. The men all decide to go on hang out in the games room and leave us women to handle Matilda. Florence comes in with tea for all of us.
    “ Paige, Elijah and I would like to cover the costs associated with the wedding on behalf of Ms. Edwina. Being that it is usually the parents of the bride that covers expenses of a wedding and the fact that Ebony is like a daughter to us. We feel it is our responsibility and privilege to cover the wedding,” Florence informs Matt’s mother.
    “ Thank you Florence we appreciate the gesture, but it really isn’t

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