No Reservations

No Reservations by Lauren Dane

Book: No Reservations by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
head just a bit, though, and looked deep into her eyes. 'And I always give you what you want,' he murmured without looking away from her.
    His tongue wet his bottom lip and Leah leant in, just a little. Brandon didn't kiss her. He watched her, instead.
    The moment froze between them, and once again Leah found herself grabbing for the threads of her control. Dammit, this was why she'd had to leave him in the first place, to take some time and get her head on straight. Away from those dark eyes, the head of thick dark hair, those big, big hands . .
    'Why do I do that, Leah?'
    She opened her mouth but found no words, just a soft sigh. Brandon took his hand from her hip and captured one of hers. He slid it down his broad chest, hard with muscle under his tight T-shirt. When her hand skated over the knot of his nipple, Leah bit down on her bottom lip again. Hard.
    Brandon forced her fingers to curl over his crotch. The heavy bulge of his cock pressed her palm through wash-worn denim. He shifted under her touch, pushing himself harder into her hand.
    'Feel that?' He bent to whisper in her ear, saving her the sight of his face. Saving her control. Because, as long as she didn't have to look at him, she could pretend she wasn't the one ready to drop to her knees. 'Feel how hard I am for you? I haven't slept in days, Leah. Have barely eaten. I haven't done a damned thing but think about how I was going to find you, even though you told me not to. And then when I get here al I can think about is how much I want to get inside you.'
    Leah swal owed but didn't tiy to push him away. Brandon moved her hand up and down along the length of his erection inside his jeans. He took a quick moment to let go of the back of her neck and reach between them to undo the button and zipper, and another to slide her hand inside. Her hand slipped over soft cotton. His fingers curled, forcing hers to grip his cock through his boxer briefs. His breath stuttered when he moved her hand along his hard cock.
    'Feel that.' His voice had dipped low again, though not in anger.
    'I feel it.'

    'That's for you.' He spoke directly into her ear, each word hovering on a soft puff of breath that tickled her lobe.
    Brandon nuzzled her neck just beneath it, and Leah's nipples tightened to poke the sheer lace of her bra. His hand moved hers. Up, down. His cock thickened under her touch.
    He shuddered when he took her hand and moved it under the waistband of his briefs to touch his bare skin. His cock, let loose from the cotton prison, sprang free, and Leah's hand closed around him al the way. Her other went to his shoulder, gripping tight, because God help her she needed the support.
    Her knees had gone weak.
    He pressed his teeth to her skin, not quite biting. A shiver rippled over her entire body and culminated between her legs where the lace of her panties had gone damp and tugged at her swol en clit with every shift. She thought he chuckled but the sound was immediately swal owed by his groan as her hand moved up and over the head of his prick.
    He was stil moving her hand, and Leah let him. She wel knew how to get him off with her hand, her mouth, every piece of her, but for now she was letting him move her fist over his shaft at whatever pace he set. His long, strong fingers kept hers held tight to his flesh as he used her hand to jack himself.
    Leah's fingers dug deeper into Brandon's shoulder. His free hand grabbed tight to her ass as he cocked a thigh between her legs. The pressure on her cunt sent another gasp from her throat and, when she sagged, his teeth skidded on her skin. Her head fel back and Brandon's mouth covered her throat with kisses. His tongue stabbed at her skin as his lips sucked, gently, then harder when she rocked against his leg.
    And al the while he kept up the stroke-stroke of her hand in his, over his cock. He was rock hard now, his cock thick and hot. By now she would've taken over, ordered him to get on the bed, at least, so she could

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