The Remembering

The Remembering by Steve Cash

Book: The Remembering by Steve Cash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Cash
Bramley that Sangea Hiramura’s entire family knew of the Meq long before they came to St. Louis.”
    “This is true,” I said, remembering what we’d learned from Sak.
    “True indeed,” Sailor added.
    Suddenly I recalled the brief incident on the way to Blaine Harrington’s office. The lieutenant had confiscated the film containing the snapshot of Sailor, then handed it over to the captain. I told Jack about it.
    “Damn! I wanted Blaine to forget you three as soon as possible.”
    “Why do you say that?” I asked. “Do you think he is a threat?”
    “How could he be a threat to us, Jack?” Sailor asked.
    “Because he’s like a ferret smelling a rat. He will gnaw and gnaw through anything until he finds that rat. He’s obsessive and paranoid, but that’s not what worries me most.” Jack’s eyes looked to the west again.
    “Go on,” Sailor said.
    “I don’t think Valery showing me the photograph of Ray and the others was coincidence. I think he suspects something. Exactly what he suspects, I’m not sure. The problem is that Valery is a double agent. He works for us and guess who his controller is?” Jack paused a moment. “Valery’s controller is Captain Blaine Harrington.”
    “I have yet to see the threat in this, Jack,” Sailor said. “A photograph or two from two distant countries should not lead anyone anywhere, even if they find our presence there ‘unusual.’ But more important, how many more in the military or government have knowledge of us?”
    “How can you be so sure?”
    “I can’t, but Cardinal can. That is what he does, Sailor. He told me he is ‘home base’ in a plan Solomon had all along, a plan to prevent any government from ever learning about you … about the Meq. He called the plan his ‘Diamond plan.’ Basically, it was a vision of an independent intelligence organization with connections inside as many governments as possible. Solomon thought the world of men was not yet ready for the reality of the Meq. His assessment is, unfortunately, truer today than it ever was. The Russians, the Chinese, and especially the Americans would hunt you down like animals to gain your secrets and the power that’s in the blood flowing through your veins. They would exploit all of you like lab rats to get access to that power. Cardinal says we must never let this happen, and I agree.” Jack stopped and looked directly at me. “So does my mother.”
    For the first time in a long time my thoughts went to Carolina. She would be a much older woman now. My eyes drifted out across Pearl Harbor and followed a passing ship for a moment or two. “How is she, Jack? Is she well?”
    Jack smiled wide. “My mother is the smartest, prettiest, feistiest seventy-five-year-old woman in St. Louis, Z. Yeah, she’s doing just fine. She misses you. She told me if I ever saw you, I should tell you she wishes she was kicking leaves again, whatever that means.”
    I laughed to myself and remembered. I was twelve years old in actual years and Carolina was only slightly younger. We became lifelong friends that fall, kicking leaves as we walked through Forest Park. “Don’t worry, Jack. I know what she means.”
    Jack rubbed the stubble on his chin. “You know, Z, she never has told me how you two met in the first place.”
    “I’ll tell you on the way home, Jack.”
    “Is that where the three of you want to go? St. Louis?”
    “Yes,” I answered.
    “No,” Sailor interjected.
    I turned to Sailor. I had made the assumption we were all going to the same destination. He saw the surprise in my eyes.
    “I forgot to tell you, Zianno. While I was in the Fleur-du-Mal’s shiro , I may have found evidence of another one or two of your ‘stone spheres.’ It is only a name, but I feel we should investigate.” Sailor twirled the star sapphire on his forefinger and glanced once at Sheela. “You travel on to St. Louis, Z. It will be good for you. Wait there for word from

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