Mission: Compromised Submissive

Mission: Compromised Submissive by Willow Brooke Page B

Book: Mission: Compromised Submissive by Willow Brooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Brooke
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to lay into her ass, she jumped.
    “Dom, whatever you are gonna say, shove a cork in it. I am a soldier first, and don’t think for a damn second that last night changed any of that. My duty is to my Coun — .”
    “Zip it and listen, and listen good , Alexandria , ” h e interrupted.
    Oh hell. He used my real name. Shit.
    “When I ask what all your injuries are, you better damn well tell me. Your safety is my responsibility as your commanding officer, and as...” He paused, unsure what to label this. It had been one night. He hadn’t collared her, and God only knew if she would ever let him. So, what where they? Boyfriend hardly felt appropriate . Lover seemed too harsh. Friend came off more like fuck buddy. He rolled through his mind, trying to find a word that fit and came up empty. He hardened his stare and cont inued , “As you are mine . Damn it, I about lost it in there. I’ll allow you to go this time. But your ass will stay where I tell you, and there won’t be another damn word about it or your little ass will pay in ways you can’t handle . Do you understand me , Alexandria DeAnne Strong?”
    Vice took a step backwards, knocked dizzy from the force his voice projected. Once again, he had her speechless. She gave a short nod, upset and irritated he had this effect on her. When his eyes narrowed and that familiar gro wl came out, she jumped. “Yes, S ir.” Her gaze lowered for a split second before returning to look him straight in the eye. His eyes seemed to pierce through her. Just as she was contemplating making a break for it, the corners of his lips curled ever so slightly.
    “Good. Now, come here.” Vice’s feet carried her slowly toward him on their own. Before she could analyze the situation, she stood chest to chest with him. Her body immediately responded, arching toward him in a magnetic connection. In one swift motion, he dropped his mouth to hers in a quick, playful sloppy smooch, catching her off guard. She giggled in surprise, licking and nipping back. He snickered, getting yet another taste to the many sides of his badass soldier girl. She was one in a million. Movement outside the tent caught their attention and Vice jumped back, fussing with her hair and straightening her clothing like she had been caught making out on her parent’s couch. Juju walked in, eyeing them both.
    “Sorry, I uh… didn’t know you were in here. Vice, I need to check those wounds before we head out.” Juju glanced back at Dom with a questioning glance. Living true to his calm, cool, and collective nature, Dom didn’t falter.
    “I just did. She is good to go with fresh bandages, but will need to take the antibiotics and pain meds.”
    Vice didn’t speak up, leaving the conversation and situation to Dom. This was what he did best, so why risk spewing the wrong thing now? Even when Juju stared her down, expecting her to answer for herself, she didn’t. W ith a shrug of his shoulders he nodded, accepting it. “Okay. I’ll go grab it and be back in a minute. We are about to head to the pick up point. Pop has everyone squared away and is waiting for you.”
    “Good. We were headed th at way now.” Dom walked toward the door, flashing a cocky ass grin back at her. “Vice, get your shit and get moving. If you’re going to lag around, I’ll leave your ass here where you should be.”
    Juju rolled his eyes and left, used to Dom’s hardass. Vice laughed, sticking her tongue out at him when Juju was out of sight and turned to grab her ruck. It was time to go to work.

    Ten minutes later, they were all loaded int o the Chinook and flying toward their destination. Khost was smaller than what they had imagined, and were somewhat thankful they hit it first. There was a good chance they might get lucky and find all the information and documents they needed to tie the Vice President in on this loop and avoid drudging around in Jalalabad. Jalalabad was rough, and posed a higher risk of attack. With the eyes in

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